Chapter 4

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Kurt wasn't happy with the way Brittany treated Blaine
"I can't believe you did that" Kurt said
"What, its true" Brittany shrugged
"You know what, let's just stop talking about this" Kurt sighed
He later on went to talk to Sam, one of Blaine's best friends
"Can I ask you a question" Kurt ran up to him
"Well, you never talk to me so I guess" Sam shrugged
"Anyways, do you know where Blaine is" Kurt asked
"And why are you looking for him" Sam asked
"I need to talk to him" Kurt told him
"Is it about yesterday, the thing that happened with Brittany" Sam looked around to make sure Brittany wasn't around
"Yeah, how did you know" Kurt asked
"After school, he called me and started crying" Sam said
"I didn't expect it would affect him that much" Kurt said
"Do you even know why it affects him that much" Sam asked
"Nope" Kurt shook his head
"Look, Blaine is in love with you and ever since Rachel told him about your reputation at this school, he's been nothing but heartbroken" Sam explained
"Wait, Blaine actually has feelings for me" Kurt looked up in surprise
"Yes and I'm assuming you do to" Sam said
"Um.....Maybe" Kurt blushed
"Look, Blaine is a really sensitive person and he takes a lot of things close to heart so if you were to ever get in a relationship and you broke  his heart, he would be crushed" Sam explained to Kurt
"Ok, but onto my question" Kurt interrupted
"Right, Blaine is in the library with Artie" Sam told him
"Thanks Sam" Kurt ran to the library
When he arrived, Blaine looked shocked to see him
"Kurt, what are you doing here" Blaine whispered
"Can we talk privately" Kurt asked Blaine
"I mean, I'm kind of busy" Blaine said
"Its cool, Blaine was just helping me with homework" Artie spoke up
"You sure" Blaine looked at him
"Positive" Artie nodded
"Thanks" Kurt motioned for Blaine to come outside
When they were outside, it was really awkward
"We need to talk about yesterday" Kurt stated
"You know I'm just gonna leave" Blaine started leaving before Kurt stopped him
"You can't keep denying it" Kurt told him
"Denying what" Blaine asked
"I think you know" Kurt said
"Look, I'm going to leave" Blaine said
"I know you like me" Kurt said as Blaine stopped in his tracks
Nobody said a word until Blaine spoke up
"How did you know"
"A little bird told me, but anyways is it true" Kurt asked
"Its none of your buisness" Blaine replied
"Just tell me" Kurt was getting frustrated
"Ok fine, its true, I am in love with you but I didn't realize how stupid it was of me to even fall in love you because you have a girlfriend and plus you have a certain reputation" Blaine yelled
Kurt didn't say anything but leaned foward and kissed Blaine
It was something he always wanted to do but Blaine broke the kiss and said
"This isn't right"
"And your point" Kurt asked
"My point is that your in a relationship and I'm some person that has a silly crush on you" Blaine stated
"But I really love you" Kurt finally admitted his feeling
"Don't say that, because you're just playing with my emotions" Blaine ran away after saying that
Kurt was frustrated, he was really mad at himself and the fact that what everyone said about him was true

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