Chapter 1: The Confession

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It was a cold morning on Berk. Even the dragons couldn't stay outside in the cold for long or else they'd probably freeze a tail or ear. In the Dragon Academy Hiccup and Co. have seeked for shelter in Hiccup's house. Everyone was doing their own thing In Hiccup's house. Snotlout was cooking a salmon over the fire, the twins kept on hitting each other until their faces go numb, Fishlegs was busy keeping Meatlug warm, and Astrid was sitting next to Hiccup.

Snotlout: This is boring! Why can't we go outside and do the usual? Dragon Academy, Train, Go home, Bed!!!

Astrid: Do you want to become a human icicle?

Snotlout stood up.

Snotlout: How cold can it really be outside?

He opened the door and shut it quickly. He ran under Hookfang. Hookfang woke up from his nap and bursted into flames.

Snotlout: Ahhhh...nice and warm...

Astrid shook her head.

Hiccup: Hey Ruff,Tuff can you stop that! That's my dad's hammer!

Ruffnut: We won't break it.

Tuffnut: Yeah. When have we ever broken something?

Hiccup sighed. Astrid looked at her crush and smiled. Hiccup looked a her and she quickly turned away blushing.

Hiccup: Ummm...Astrid?

Astrid: Hmmm Yes,Hiccup?

Hiccup: Are you feeling ok?

Astrid: Y-Yeah. I'm just a little cold.

Hiccup: Oh well I'll go upstairs and get some extra blankets.

Astrid: Won't you disturb Toothless?

Hiccup pointed at the kitchen. She looked over and saw Toothless eating a basket full of fish with Stormfly.

Astrid: Oh. Ok.

Suddenly an idea popped into Astrid's head.

Astrid: HICCUP,WHAT'S THAT???!!!

She pointed at Snotlout and Hookfang eating the cooked salmon. As soon as Hiccup turned away Astrid ran upstairs.

Hiccup: What? That? That's just Snot-lou...where did she go?

Hiccup shook his head and walked upstairs. Once he got to his room he looked under his bed to check for any extra blankets that he might have. Suddenly he heard footsteps. He quickly looked up and saw Astrid staring him in the face.

Hiccup: Oh Astrid there you are. Here I got some-

Astrid: Hiccup. I'm not cold.

Hiccup: Huh? Your not?

Astrid took off her shoulder pads and dropped them on the floor.

Astrid: No,I just want a request from you.

Hiccup put the blankets back and saw Astrid had now made her way to his bed.

Hiccup: Oh,uh-ok. What's your request?

Astrid: I want you...and make out on this warm,comfortable bed of yours. Right here. Right now.

To be Continued...

(Warning: Charper 2: The Wild Time has some MILD Sexual Contents. Meaning there will be some sexual stuff,but no nudity or sex. So don't worry it won't be a chapter about them having sex.)

Astrid's Confession to HiccupWhere stories live. Discover now