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Kristoni Barnes
October 2nd, 7:43 AM

"Let's go, sweets you don't want to be late for school," I yelled to Charli as she came running out of her room with her little school uniform on. This was her first year of school and I enrolled her in the Pre-School near my job at the beginning of September, so that she wouldn't be too far from me.

I double checked her bag and made sure that she had everything that she needed for the day.

"See we almost forgot your lunch," I said as I grabbed her lunch box off of the counter.

I closed my sweater as the October morning breeze ran past my body. It was starting to get a little colder and I was not feeling it. I sat in my car and waited for it to warm up before pulling off toward Charli's school.

We were too busy singing along to a Beyonce song together before we were interrupted by the ringing of my phone throughout the car. Dave's name popped up on the dashboard and I answered. His face popped up on the screen and I smiled. I sat the phone up so he could see both me and Charli, and I didn't want to drive with my phone in my hand.

"Why'd the music stop?" Charli pouted.

"Charli look at the screen," I said as I pointed to my phone that was sitting up.

"DAVEY!" She screamed causing me to wince.

He chuckled at her, "Morning Princess Charli."

These two were damn near best friends now. I haven't seen Dave in about a month, but he never failed to call me every single day. It didn't bother me because I knew how demanding him being an artist was. And every time he called me, he made sure he had a conversation with Charli.

Cain returned to the same shit that he did before, dropping off the face of the Earth like he didn't have a 4-year-old daughter. I haven't seen him since that night where I shot at him and Kendra and something wasn't sitting right with me. Every time he decides to disappear, nothing good comes out of it. Although I haven't seen him, I know that he's been watching me.

"Kris," I heard Dave call.

I glanced at the screen, "Huh."

"What you getting into for your birthday?"

"What are you talking about? It's not until the 10th," I said shrugging.

"That's next week," he chuckled at me.

"Oh shit, that's next week. I didn't even realize," I honestly said.

"Mommy you said a bad word," Charli said as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry sweets," I said as I stopped at a red light.

I look back at the screen and noticed that Dave wasn't in the bed. "Are you in the studio at 8 in the morning?"

"Yeah, money never sleeps mama. I've been in here since 11 last night," he yawned as he rubbed his beard.

"Well, it looks like you need to get some sleep. I'm serious," I scolded him. He looked like a dead man walking.

Before he could respond, I felt my car jerk forward making me almost hit my head on the steering wheel. "What the fuck," I mumbled to myself. Just my fucking luck to start off my Monday morning like this. And on cue, I started to hear Charli cry from the backseat. I was no more than 5 minutes away from her school and this shit happens.

"Kristoni you good?" Dave asked as I picked up my phone that had fell on the floor on the passenger side.

"I'm fine, someone just hit my car from the back," I said taking my seat belt off so I could get out and check on Charli. I checked everything on her and she was okay, "Sweets you're okay, stop crying for me, please. Here talk to Mr. Dave while I go see what's wrong," I said as I handed her my phone.

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