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Johnny's P.O.V

I woke up with the sun beaming through my window. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand that's next to my bed. I smiled. Today's our 9 monthaversary.

Mackenzie and I have been dating for 9 months. My family loves her. She brings joy to our home.

I go to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, wash my face, and do my hair. I head downstairs where my family is eating breakfast.
"Good morning sweetheart" My mother greets me.
"Good morning mother" I replied kissing her cheek.
"Son since today is your anniversary with Mackenzie why don't you invite her over for dinner?" My dad suggests.
I nodded smiling.

I took my phone out and texted Kenzie

Juan: Hey love! I have to ask you something later. Can you meet me in front of my locker before first period? ❤

My Princess: Umm hey John! We need to talk. I can do during lunch!

Juan: Alright see you princess!

She left me on read.

Lauren peaks through my phone probably since she saw my confused face..

"Good luck John" Lauren said hugging me upset.
"Laur why do you look like you're about to cry?" I asked confused.
She wiped her tears quickly and replied with "If you need anything I'm with Carson."
Hmm. That's confusing. It's like she knows somethings up.

I went back upstairs brushed his teeth and got his bag and headed to school.

When I got there everyone was looking at me with... Pityness in their eyes?

Okay what the hell is going on here. Everyone knows something that I don't.

I head to my locker and see our group which is literally Lauren, Carson, Kenzie, and...


Brandon is the biggest player of the school. He is also my enemy! Before Kenz and I started dating we fought because he was talking all this crap about Kenz and it like intimidated me. Ugh I hate him so much!!

Now here I am watching MY enemy flirting with MY girlfriend! You know what's worse watching her let it pass by meaning flirting back!!

This day couldn't get any worse...

Classes flew by fast. It was now Lunch

I head to my locker since Kenz and I were supposed to talk.

She came up to me worried...

"John" She whispered her eyes not meeting mine.

"Kenz you know you can tell me anything" I placed my fingers under her chin making her look up to me.

"I- We need to break up"

And just when I thought this day couldn't get worse.

"Wh-what do you mean I-I love you to-today's are 9 monthaversarey and.." I couldn't finish what I was supposed to say so I let myself choke on my tears.

Third Person's P.O.V

She left him standing there. Alone. With no one to comfort him. With no one to tell him it'll all be okay. With no one to love him.

Soon enough lunch ended he couldn't stand the fact he had all his classes with "Her" so he went back home.

He got home to be greeted by his parents yelling at him to how he's supposed to be at school and why the principal had to call them to let them know that their son had ditched.

He went straight to his room and slammed the door. And locked it. Making sure no one came in.

His mother surely felt worried for her sons sudden behavior. She went upstairs and knocked on his door. A couple knocking later he still wouldn't budge to open the door.

It was now 5 P.M his sister should be home by now.

She got home and ran straight to his room. She banged on the door making sure he knows she is not leaving until she gets what she wants. And that is... Making sure her brother is alright.

He obviously got annoyed by her obnoxious knocking and opened the door letting his little sister in. She bombarded him with questions. Making him yell in annoyance and frustration. She flinched. Her brother has never lashed out to anyone. Let alone be this aggressive.

"John just forget about her.." His sister sighed.

"I can't Lauren it hurts more knowing today was our 9 monthaversary." The boy spoke truthfully.

He went to bed drowning in his tears.

" It hurts the most when the person that made you feel so special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today."

Hey guys! Chapter 1 how do you like it so far? Remeber to reach the goal for a new chapter! I posted this because I don't want you guys to wait for so long so instead of starting this story the last week of July I'm staring July 21st!! Love you all-Zoey!! 🌹❤

Word count: 801

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