T h r e e

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Third Person's P.O.V

It has been a few months since Johnny fell into depression he won't eat, and won't talk to anyone. He keeps himself locked up in his room. He lashes out to anyone that tries to communicate to him all because of feeling heartbroken.

His parents had enough of his attitude and decides to take him to therapy.

Johnny's feelings aren't simple:
• The feeling of being depressed.
• The feeling of losing someone you loved and cared for the most.
The feeling of despair, hate, agony.
• The feeling of wanting to die.
• The feeling of cutting.
The feeling of bulimia
• The feeling of insomnia
• The feeling of regaining happiness.
The feeling of finding love again.

Kenzie was happy with her "loving and caring" boyfriend. She's madly in love with his looks that she doesnt realize he's using her and cheating on her right under her nose.

Kenzie and Brandon's "Date Nights" consist of her going to his house and "watching T.V" he tried having sex with her. She kept on rejecting him telling him she's not ready..

She actually is ready but just doesn't want him to take her virginity. She has always wanted Johnny to take it. But... She hasn't seen Johnny since the day she broke up with him.

Johnny's parents came home from a long day of work at 1 A.M. They know their son has been staying up lately so they decided to go have a little talk with him.

Meredith, also known as Johnny's mother knocked on his door. She heard movement but the door wouldn't open.

"Johnny honey we just want to talk to you" His mother said obviously worried.

The boy sighed. He knows his family is worried but he just can't seem to open up. But now is finally the time. He hasn't had a real conversation with anyone in a couple months. He gets up from his crying spot. Which is in the corner of his room.

He opens the door. The first thing his mother does is grab his wrist and pull him into a meaningful hug. He flinched when she grabbed his wrist. Why? Well Johnny had been cutting earlier that day. His father realized his reaction.

"John lift your sleeves up" His father commanded. The green-eyed boy shook his head not wanting them to find out.

His dad lifted his sleeves up. And to be honest the boy has never seen his dad cry. Especially not for him.

"John" His father croaked out.

"Why?" He added trying to wipe out his tears.

"I can't forget her" The green-eyed boy spoke truthfully.

"Sweetheart it has been about 6 months. She has moved on and is happy. I know her and I know she wouldn't want you like this..." His mother replied.

"I wish I can forget everything" The boy sighed.

"Love isn't easy you should really forget about it" His mother replied.

"How can I forget when the love of my life made me forget how to love? Made me forget the feeling of happiness? Most importantly made me feel numb." He replied angrily.

His father and mother were taken back by this sudden outrage.

"Honey can I have some alone time with John?" Dale, John's father asked.

She nodded and left the room.

"John I'm going to apply you in a Therapy class." His father spoke peacefully.

"NO! I'm not going somewhere where they are going to say I'm a psycho or something stupid like that!!" Johnny shouted angrily.

"Listen Johnny we as a family are not going to stand here watching you kill yourself everyday when we or someone better can cure you" His father said patting his son shoulder.

Johnny sighed. "Fine I'll go only... for a few days" Johnny agreed.

"Fine" His dad also agreed.

"Guys feel pain too.
Guys cut.
Guys burn.
Guys starve.
Guys purge.
Guys cry.
Guys hurt.
Just as much as girls."

I love you guys all!! Thank you all for the endless support!! ❤🌹

Word count: 670

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