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Third Person's P.O.V

Mackenzie ran home after she heard what happened to Johnny.

How could that happen? She thought.

"Was it because of me?"

"Should I go visit him?"

"Maybe I should text Lauren..."

"What if she hates me?"

"Well no duh she's going to be all sunshine and rainbows. Really Kenz?"

Kenzie looked over at Brandon who's casually laying in her bed.

"Babeee come lay with me" He whined. As usual Kenzie thought. Always whining to get what he wants.

She sighed and went and laid next to him.


Johnny woke up before Nadia and rubbed her arms softly. He felt her goosebumps rise a bit.

Yeah life sucks sometimes. But I guess goodness always comes out of it.

Nadia woke up a little after Johnny was observing her.

"Hi." She whispered, her voice raspy.

"Hey beautiful." She smiled.

They were both happy with each other's company.



1 year has passed. A long happy year. Johnny and Nadia started dating a month after Johnny was released from the hospital. Brandon and Kenzie have remained dating as a very toxic relationship.

Brandon's cheating on Kenzie. Kenzie's cheating on Brandon.

Now we all knew that Brandon was cheating on her but she stayed with him because according to her it's better being with someone to have them as company rather than being alone/ single.

Kenzie has been cheating on Brandon with a guy she met at the bar one night named Ashton.

Everyone hates him. His bad reputation. His rudeness. He treats a woman like trash. He's abusive. But for Kenzie he's perfect. The one she's always been looking for apparently.

Johnny and Nadia. They have such a pure, beautiful, loyal relationship.

Their love for one another is something every one looks for in a relationship.

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