T w e l v e

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Johnny's P.O.V

"Johnny?" Ms. Anderson's voice makes me stop talking to Joey and Nadia.

"Bye" I waved my fingers and turned on my heel.

I walked towards Ms.Anderson and she smiled.

"You alright hun?" She asked me.

"Decent." I replied.

As we sat down in the chairs in her office I finally come to realize they were really comfortable.

Like soft and all that.

"So did you draw your feelings?" She asked me a little too excited.

I nodded. "I did actually."

I pull out my drawing book from my bag and opened to the page.

I gave the book to her and she looked at it with admiration.

"Johnny" She gasped.

"This... this is amazing. It's beautiful." She said shocked.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"John, can I hug you?" She asked me.

I nodded and got up she came toward me and embraced me in a tight hug.

She rubbed my back.

She pulled away and looked at me.

"Johnny if you ever need to talk. Just come to me. These drawings are so beautiful. Incredible. Amy word that means astonishing and amazing. John I can't. Who taught you how to draw?" She asked me after she stopped admiring my pictures. It was nice seeing someone so touched by pieces of art. That I created especially.

"So...- she interlocked her fingers in tip if her desk and laid back relaxed on her chair.

"Would you like to talk about anything John?" She asked me.

I do. I have so much to talk about.

I want to tell her about last summer the first time I looked into her eyes. I got to call her mine.

(A/N: Last summer was freaking amazing!! Fight. Me.!)

"Umm no." I lied.

She looked at me closely.

"Johnny. I'm your therapist I can't help you if you don't tell me how you're feeling." She told me.

"Want to know how I'm feeling? Fine. I still think of her. Last summer we shared so many amazing memories. We started dating around that time, We had our first kiss when we got to school in August, we went on so many dates before I finally had the guts to ask her out. You know how hard it was? She's a goddess so damn beautiful. I'm not surprised she left me. But then again I am. I wanted to marry her. I wanted to grow old have children watch our children grow old and be together forever. That's what I wanted even if we were only dating for 8 full months I though I had a really good feeling that we were going to stay forver but guess what life sucks then we all die. So what am I going to do. I'm going to sit back watch her be happy with Brandon and not change a thing about it. Because if she's happy then fine. If she wants to stay with someone who's cheating on her under her nose. Then fine. But I'm done. I hate how I'm the one hurtten the most because I'd die for her. I'd do anything for her. Is that what you wanted to hear that I'm still hurtten. Badly. Well there you go I opened up to you."

I stopped to catch a breath and continued I knew she wanted to talk but she couldn't. What would she say? I'm sorry? I don't need anyone's pity.

"I'm sad, lonely, depressed, hurt, tired, anxious, insecure, I've gaven up easily."

(A/N: "That's me right now!! One of the reasons why I haven't uploaded a chapter in almost a month which I'm terribly sorry about. Anyways sorry continue.")

She studied me closely.


"Alright?" I asked her.

"Alright. I'm done. Johnny I'm still going to be your therapist but we are going to have someone else join us." She replied making me confused.

"Someone else join us... who?"

"Well Nadia of course."

"That's just reality yeah don't lie to me. Yeah I'm messed up but I don't want to be. I'm drownin up my sorrows.
Life just sucks then we all die."

- Olivia O Brien Empty

Okay I want to apologize deeply for not updating in this book for like a month if you read my diary which is "My Crazy Life." You'd know I have given thought to not update for a few weeks so sorry. And I hope you enjoy this chapter and I love you all. By the way Last summer was freaking incredible. Like John has grown so much!! My baby is all grown up!! I'm at school writing this I'll tell you guys what happened later and so yeah bye!! ❤

Word count: 777

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