E l e v e n

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Third Person's P.O.V.

John entered the teenage waiting room after a while.

He looked around trying to find Nadia. He looked through the isles of books, the different sections in the room, and finally found her reading a book in the table they met.

John approached her with confidence.

"Hey." He greeted her as he sat on the chair next to her.

She looked up from the book she was reading and smiled.

"Hi." She whispered.

"What you reading there?" He asked her interested.

"Oh I found this book and I've been addicted to it. It's called Push Girl. It's so sad but beautiful." She explains smiling as she flipped a page.

"So... did you have any homework you had to do for Ms. Anderson?" She asked him as she continued on reading.

"I did actually." He nodded.

"I was assigned to draw 5 pictures to how I feel. Would you like to see them?" He asked her hoping she'd say no. Because he was afraid of criticism.  And he wanted her to say yes. Hoping she'd like it.

"Yesssss!" She chuckled.

"Is that even a question?" She asked him.

John pulled out the drawing book from his bag. The second he did Nadia snatched the book away from him making him lost.

"Yikes woman. Have some patience." He chuckled.

She gasped as she flipped thorough the drawings.

"Holy crap John these are freaking amazing. Damn I wish I could draw like that!" She exclaimed admiring the pieces of art in front of her.

John smiled beamingly.

"I was afraid you wouldn't like it..." He replied sheepishly.

She slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Seriously? I love this!" She stated.

"Oh before I forget you know the boy I was talking to you about before..." She waited for his reply so when he nodded she continued.

"- Yeah well he's here today and I wanted you guys to meet." She told him.

"Umm is that a good idea... I mean he'll make fun of me." John nervously replied.

"Don't be silly Johnny. He won't make fun of you. I'm pretty sure you both will be great friends." She side hugged him.

After about 10 minutes Nadia came back. But she wasn't alone. She was with another kid. Johnny instantly got jealous.

'He looks way better than me.' John thought to himself.

"John this Joey. Joey John." She pointed us to each other.

"Hey man nice to meet you." Joey greeted me.

He has hazel eyes. With like darkish  brown hair. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt with navy blue ripped jeans. And he wore some vans.

"Hey" John replied softly.

"So what's a guy like you doing here?" Joey asked John.

"Umm.. do I have to say? It's kind of ridiculous." John replied as he looked around never meeting their eyes.

Nadia rolled her eyes.

"Gosh Johnny. It isn't ridiculous. You got depressed over your girlfriend falling for another guy. That sucks yeah it does especially since you wanted to love her forever. But shit goes on. Don't think it's ridiculous cause you're strong." Nadia explained upset with him a little.

"Nads calm down. Is it alright if I talk with him alone for a bit?" He asked Nadia. She nodded and left.

"So now I understand a bit of what's going on... would you like to talk to me?" He asked Johnny.

Johnny shook his head. "Look you're a nice guy. I just" He stopped for a moment and sighed.
"- I just came to therapy cause my parents forced me to. Ms.Anderson she's helping me. I didn't feel comfortable at first telling her. So you've gotta understand this is hard for me. I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable talking to you if we don't even know anything about each other." Johnny ended his speech just in time. Ms.Anderson calls him in.

" Pain changes people, it makes them trust less, overthink more, and shut people out.
Because there are so many knives sticking out of my back and I'm afraid to even remove one piece because it would leave me torn to pieces."

Did you like this chapter? I've been having a hard time writing. So this might've suck!

Word count: 700

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