F i v e

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Johnny's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of Alcohol. It was harsh and burning.

My vision was still blurry. I don't actually remember anything. The last thing I do however remember was taking a shower and tracing my fingers over my freshly made cuts.

As I cleared my vision I take a look around the room and realize I'm in my room. Not by myself as I hoped. But with my parents hovering over me.

I groaned and sat up from my bed. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "What happened?"

"What happened?!? Are you seriously asking what the hell happened?!? I'll tell you what happened Johnny you freaking cut your arms and you're asking me what happened!? John what the hell were you thinking!? That's the dumbest thing you've ever done. What in your damn mind thought of doing something so stupid!??" My mother scolded me. She was obviously upset.

"Gosh do you have to yell so loud?" I said as I covered my ears.

"Dont you tell me what to do!! I can yell at you if I want especially if it's something that includes my son trying to end his damn life so yes I will yell!!" She ranted angrily again.

I groaned while she scoffed.

"Get up you're going to therapy today. I won't take no as an answer and I won't listen to you. You are not going for a few days. You are going until you get better. I don't care about what you have against me anymore. If you hate me because I'm doing this I'm sorry. I'm not having my kid. My only son become stupid by trying to end his life. So, get up get dressed and your father will stay in your room while you do so. The door Will stay open in case of anything." She said right before she left my room.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I showered and got changed into fresh new clothes. Which were a grey sweatshirt with grey joggers. As I said I don't care about my hair anymore.

"Alright dad I'm ready" I commented.

He got up and went downstairs with me following.

My parent were eating breakfast while I just stood there watching them. The thought of eating makes me want to throw up.

My mom sighed. She's been trying to get me to eat for the past couple of months. I eat every now in then. But it always leads with me throwing up right after.

I sat down on the wooden chair and took a bite out of the sandwich. I started gagging. Well there goes my breakfast.

I went running to the bathroom and threw it up.

My mom came rushing in.
"Oh baby I'm so sorry I just wanted you to eat" She apologized. I told her it was fine I haven't eaten in a while anyway.

"Let's go hun" She said helping me get up. I brushed my teeth and went back into the living room where dad was.

"Oh son you know you can always talk to us" My dad placed his hand on my shoulder and I flinched.

He realized it and placed his hand down. He looked hurt. I don't blame him. I never meant to flinch it was just sudden. I guess...

"Let's go!" Mom said grabbing her purse from the kitchen counter.

We got in the car. Dad driving mom in the passenger seat and I'm in the back.

My phone's notification came on indicating I got a message. Haha that's hilarious I haven't talked to anyone in about 7 months who'd want to talk to me?

I checked my phone and it was Lauren.

Lolo: Mom told me you're going to therapy today. I love you John a lot. I'm your sister you know if you ever need anything I'm here. I miss you a lot. I love you!! ❤

I smiled. I love Lauren a lot. I've been one of the worst brothers on earth these past few months. I decided to text her back

John: I'm sorry about everything. I love you alot. Thanks for always being there for me. I'll talk to you at home! ❤

This is it therapy here I come.

" I miss the old, happy me."
" Sometimes the worst place to be is in my own head."

So guys I have an open house tomorrow for my new school I'm so excited. Hope you enjoy this chapter!! Love you all-Zoey!! ♡

Word count: 752

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