F i f t e e n

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Third Person's P.O.V

Ms.Anderson rushed out of her office and threw her phone to Nadia.

"Call the ambulance! And his parents. It's all on my phone."

She rushed. This kid. Johnny. He was under her care. And if something happened. To him especially. A fragile boy. She'll lose it.

Nadia immediately started calling the ambulance and his parents.

The ambulance were on their way. Nadia cried while looking for his parents number.

When she finally found it she sniffed her tears and had the phone in her ear.

"Hello?" Mrs.Orlando, Meredith, had answered.

"Mrs.Orlando umm I'm Na-dia a-nd Joh-nny- j-ust had - a se-izure att-ack." She had hiccuped in between almost every work making it almost impossible to actually speak.

"What?" Meredith asked nearly fainting.

"Please go straight to the hospital the ambulance are on their way. I'm sorry"
She ended the call.

Sorry? Mrs. Orlando asked confused. What did she mean she was sorry?

Right now all she wanted was to make sure her son was alright. Or at least going to be.

She ran to Dale where he was working in his home office.

"Dale. Johnny. Hospital." She said after breathing heavily.

He got up alarmed. "What happened?"


Meanwhile Lauren was in her room with Carson and Hayden discussing their English project on " The Giver"

"I think we should get a regular poster board and cut it then we could have a wall in between and the other side are trees. Just like in the movie. Then where they'd live we can have a huge slide like the one where Fiona and Jones sled on." Hayden spoke up.

Lauren and Carson both agreed.

"I think tho-" Carson was cut off when they heard Meredith saying Johnny was in the hospital.

They looked at each other fearing the worst.

They grabbed their phones and ran downstairs.

"Mom what's wrong with Johnny?" Lauren asked worried.

Carson saw it in her eyes and went to hug her. He caressed her back during the process.

"I don't know Nadia called saying that he had a seizure attack outside. She whispered I'm sorry in the end. I don't know what she means though." Meredith explained as she made sure everything in the house was cleared up to leave.

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