E p i l o g u e

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Guys I'm tearing up writing this! Enjoy babes!! ❤

Guys please vote and comment since it's the last chapter!!

Third Person's P.O.V

"John we're still young..." Nadia said afraid.

"So? Our love is forever. I love you. Actually no. I'm in love with you. You've made me happier this year more than I've ever been in my whole life and that says alot. I know we're still 18/19 years old. But so what? Isn't love about wanting to be with your other half forever. So that's what I want! I want to stay with you forever baby! You-" He stopped.

She walked in. Dressing slutty, very deep black v neck with some booty shorts, and red high heels. She has a deep color red lipstick on with huge hoop earrings. Her hair is longer than before straight but curled up at the end.

She walked straight and sat in front of Ashton but to him he didn't have a damn clue who it was.

Nadia noticed him watching someone she turned and saw her. She was confused for a moment but realizing how he looked and his jaw dropped she realized it was her. The one and only. Mackenzie Ziegler.

Nadia got up and went straight towards her. Johnny confused got up fast and tried catching up to her but before he could Nadia slapped Mackenzie with all the force she can; and that made Johnny shocked.

"What the hell!?" Mackenzie got up ready to slap Nadia when she saw Johnny. Seeing him she slapped Nadia.

"Frick" Johnny said running up to Nadia and pulling her away.

"What the hell Mackenzie?" Johnny yelled angrily.

"Me? This girl comes up and slaps the living hell out of me and you defend her!?" Mackenzie asked raging.

"Yes. You know why? I'll tell you you freaking hurt him more than anyone has ever done. You made him fall into depression and he had to go to therapy. Let me tell you something else every freaking night he has nightmares because of you! Yeah mhmm horrible nightmares apparently you come and say all this shit about him. Well guess what I'm his girlfriend I love him he loves me. We both were in therapy we met there it was amazing. He treats me like a queen. And from what I heard he treated you the same way! Ooh and on top of that before you came in he proposed to me! And Johnny." She turned around to see him.

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