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Johnny's P.O.V

I looked like a ghost today. My eyes are bloody red. I haven't eaten since yesterday's breakfast. I'm not hungry and not in the mood.

I don't want to go to school today but I kind of have to...

I head downstairs to see my mom making breakfast and my dad drinking coffee while looking at the news.

"Hey hun want to eat something I'm making your favorites, pancakes?" She informed me.

I shook my head indicating no.

She sighed. "John you haven't eaten anything since yesterday's breakfast and I know that for a fact!"

"John listen to your mother, at least eat 1 pancake or a piece of bread just put something in your stomach" Dad added.

"I SAID NO!" I grabbed my bag and slammed the front door.

I ran to school. In the thing I saw hurt the most.

Brandon freaking Rowland kissing Mackenzie... KISSING FOR GOD'S SAKE!!

I've never felt more betrayed. She has moved on so fast. I guess that's the boy she started liking.

Carson and Lauren came to me bombarding me with questions. And I just got so annoyed and upset. "JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!" I slammed my locker shut and ran out the school I just can't handle being here.

I ran to the place that calms me down the most. The beach house. Yes, we have a beach house.

I sat in the sand and looked over to the waves crashing. I just sat there and cried. I cried I don't even think I could ever cry again. It hurts. I can't go back to school without feeling betrayed or hurt.

Let me explain to you why...

•We had our first kiss there
• I said 'I love you' to her for the first time there.
•I asked her out in school.
•We went to our first school dance together there.
•It feels weird seeing her kiss someone else in less than a day of us breaking up...

I just can't stand there and act like everything's okay when it most definitely isn't...!

I checked my phone and realized I've been crying for about a good 30 minutes. I keep the key in my bag so I unlocked the door and went straight to my room here.

I look around... my greyish/ black walls that are covered in awards with ribbons, certificates, and trophies.
I looked at my bed that's perfectly made. I haven't been here in 3 years!!

I sat in my bed and just laid there.

My mom called... I declined it.

30 minutes later I had 25 missed calls from my mom
15 missed calls from my dad
10 missed calls from Darian and Maddie.
8 missed calls from Lauren and the one that stood out the most
1 missed call from "My Princess"

Damn it I really should change it but I just can't bring my self to do it.

I just kept on watching T.V in my room when I heard the front door open.

Holy sh!t I'm going to die today. I started writing my death.

R.I.P Johnny Vincent Orlando
Cause of death: Murdered at a young age of 17

I'm being ridiculous... I mean am I? I just don't want to die. Let alone be murdered.

I heard people talking it sounded oddly familiar. I went out to the living room of course not forgetting the bat in my room.
As I reach the Kitchen I realize it was only my parents.

I sighed. They realized I was here and my mom attacked me with a hug.

"Don't you ever scare us like that" She angrily said.

"Sorry Mom! I needed space I can't go back to school without crying." I explained holding back the tears threatening to spill.

"Honey you know you can tell us anything..." My mom said with pityness in her eyes.

I sighed in nodded sadly..

"Can I just stay here for a while??" I asked sheepishly.

"Of course love just next time at least text us so we don't call the cops..." My mom said smiling a bit.

"Yeah your mother almost called the cops until I reminded her that you would always come here if you would feel sad..."

I laughed quietly.

I head up to my room. And that was that

" I broke my own heart loving you..."

Do you guys like this story so far?
Please tell me your honest opinions!!
I have all these first couple chapters pre written... so I hope you enjoy! Love you all- Zoey!! 🌹❤

Word count: 765

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