T h i r t e e n

558 30 3

Johnny's P.O.V

"We've been at this for hours. I'm not doing it." I commented.

Ms. Anderson and Nadia have forced me into trying to say my favorite memory of Kenz and I.

I don't want to talk about it! But no girls are so pushy.

I mean I can't even talk about her without crying yet they want me to talk about my favorite memory with her. And I've had enough of it.

"Okay you want to know my favorite memory fine!"


Today's Kenzie and I's first date.

I'm taking her to the Arcade.

You might be thinking aren't you guys like a little too old for arcade.

Well kind of. But let me tell you this. It's Kenzie's favorite place in the whole world. If she's ever upset or anything she goes there which I think is weird. But I wouldn't change her for the world.

Kenzie's like a light when the sun don't shine. Her smile lights up when she enters any room. She's gorgeous that every guy in School fought for her. She thought I was jealous but no it's the thought of losing her that's what I'm afraid of I was never jealous I was afraid of losing her.

I picked her up from her house at 5:30 P.M. I drove us to the Arcade. Hand in hand we walk in buying our tickets. As usual she wanted to pay. Man how ladies don't understand when we have ourselves a woman. Someone we love. We want to spoil them. We want to show them all the good in the world.

I finally paid to get our tickets and we went to the bumper cars.

The line wasn't as long. It had a couple of teens probably our age or older.

She got onto the red bumper car with the number 8 on the back, while I got into the black bumper car with the number 3 in the back.

3 the day we started dating.

She looked at me and smiled with the beautiful one of hers.

She stuck her tounge out and yelled. "I'm going to beat you. Watch me!!"

I laughed she was beautiful.

In the end she didn't win. She was so upset I laughed. Her face was priceless.

I bought her a churro to cheer her up. She was more than delighted. That makes me happy.

We decided to go on the race track where we compete. She looks at me and smirks. "I'll beat you here just watch me I promise I will."

"Okay. Will see"I smirked making her lightly gasp.

We got on to your karts we were on different sides. Cause my girlfriend wants to beat me in everything.

"On your marks get set go!!" The instructor told us.

And that's what we did we pressed the gas pedal so hard and flew with exhilaration. The wind blowing through our faces, some dirt from the floor caught up with me making me cough since it came to my eyes.

I don't even know how long I've been sitting there until I heard Kenzie from the back of me yell. 

"I told you I'd win!!" She jumped fist bumping in the air she did her silly happy dance meaning moving her hips side to side the movement is intriguing.

"Fine." I gave up smiling.

I drove back to where we leave our cars and went to where Kenzie was waiting for me.

I saw her looking at the animal machine. I know she wants one.

"Let's go" I tugged on her arm leading her with me confused.

Her eyes lit up. It was beautiful. She was so excited.

"Oh my gosh!! Are you going to play?" I briefly nodded before she continued.

"Please win me that teddy bear" I laughed.

"With one favor." I hold up my finger.


She looked into my eyes. I want her to know how deeply in love I am with her.

"Love me forever."

She smiled and jumped up and down.
"Yes yes yes forever. You're my first everything and will be my last."

*Flashback over*

I glanced over at the window and smiled lightly.

Oh how I wish she kept that promise.

But some promises are meant to be broken.

And I guess...

Those were one of them.

" You didn't have to lie to me; you could've just left quietly."

Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for the long wait. I have exciting news; so October 21st till like the 26th I'll be in Chicago. So I might be able to update more since I won't be in school stressed out! So I hope I can make to you guys! ❤

Word Count: 786

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