F o u r t e e n

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Third Person's P.O.V

Johnny looked up at Ms. Anderson and Nadia they had a few tears streaming down their faces. He looked back down embarrassed.

"Johnny?" Nadia called out to him snapping him out of his gaze.

He looked at her not wanting to speak because if he did he'll choke on tears.

"Would you like to walk around with me?" Nadia asked him. He looked up at Ms.Anderson wanting to ask for permission and she just simply nodded.

He got up from his chair but before that he wiped his tears on his shirt and coughed a bit.

They walked outside for a while when Nadia asked him.

"Do you... umm do you ever think about what would've happened if she never broken up with you. He flinched in the mention or thought of her name.

He nodded.

"Can you tell me more about her?" She asked him afraid if he'll yell.

Instead he did talk about her.

"She was beautiful. She had these gorgeous brown eyes that she'll always be jealous of my green ones I'd always tell her that she looks beautiful like chocolate I could stare at her all day, She had brown hazelnut kind of hair it was wavy in a way. She'd get the worst cramps on her time of the month. She doesn't know this but I have an app on my phone to track hers so I'd know when she's getting it so I could be extra sweet and supportive and but her chocolate and a movie." He smiled thinking of the time he went to her house surprising her when she in bed groaning and crying. He'd always talk quietly to the point only she can hear so that she wouldn't be in much more pain.

"I bought her this teddy bear once while shopping because there was a family emergency so we had to leave town I sprayed my perfume on it and gave it to her telling her that if she ever needs a cuddle buddy I'm here. She used it everyday and I came back she was sleeping with her feet over the teddy bear. She was adorable I took a picture of her. I still have it."

Nadia smiled the way he talked about her. He talked about the little things he loves like her favorite snack or what she does on her free time. Everything. He was truly in love. She knew she wanted to help him and she will.


He kept on ranting not listening to anyone.

"John" She shook him he was paralyzed in a way.

"John" She shouted as she started to tear up. He started shaking and his eyes would roll his tounge moved and he fell to the ground.

"HELP!!" She screamed hoping for someone to come help him.

"HELP!!" She screamed once more and when no one replied she ran inside to Ms.Anderson.

She ran and ran hoping to get back to him on time.

She found Ms.Anderson typing away on her laptop.

She looked up at Nadia worried.

"Nadia sweetie what's wrong?" She asked her.

Nadia choked on her tears.

"It's Johnny. He he I think he's having a seizure attack." She choked out.

" What would happen if I weren't here? Wouldn't everyone be happier? Wouldn't everyone feel relaxed? Wouldn't I be in peace?"


Hey loves! So I'm currently on my way back home. We were just at McDonald's eating breakfast we don't usually eat there but since it was the only thing to eat. Anyways so we were there and there was this old couple and I swear I almost teared up. His hands were around her shoulder and they were hitting each other's elbows. Then he kissed her cheek and was like I love you. She said you said that for the past 50 something years and I still get butterflies. Tell me this isn't love. That's what we're missing out on these days. I swear they were so beautiful. And pure. 😍😭💕

Word count: 672

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