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Johnny's P.O.V

As I got out of the car. I grew nervous by the second. What if I get made fun of because how stupid my reason is?

I mean seriously a boy being depressed because the love of his life fell for someone else. I'd be a laughing stock.

As I noticed the building it looked normal. It's a brown building. Nothing special. Then a sign in the front that reads "Psychology" Huh? Who would've ever thought their name would be this boring?

When I opened the door the building was really pretty in a way. I mean everything was white but glossy. There was a small water fountain next to the receptionist desk. There was fake plants on the other side of the desk. Flowers grew in the edge of the fountain.

The receptionist was a little older. She looks as if she's in her late 40's. She's has brown hair. Just like Mackenzie.
Johnny stop thinking about her. I felt tears already starting to leave my eyes. I quickly wiped them away with my sleeved shirt.

She was wearing glasses and had a few makeup on. Not a lot. But you can still notice it. She was wearing a white buttoned up shirt.With a black skirt.

Someone touched my shoulders and I flinched.

I looked behind me and noticed it was my mom.

"Sweetheart you got distracted." My mom informed me.

"Sorry" I whispered quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

She looked at me sincerely. 

"We have an appointment with Ms. Anderson. " My dad told the receptionist.

She clicked on something in her computer and smiled.

"Ahh Johnny Orlando. We've been waiting for you." She stood up from her chair and walked down the hallway. Yikes I haven't even noticed that there.

"Alright you can come in. We have teens your age in here. " She came back out and told us. Well more specifically me.

I looked at my parents.

My dad's sitting in one of the chairs pinching the bridge of his nose. Something he does when he's stressed out or upset.

My mom next to him fiddling with her fingers as she tried to not cry.

And me. Well I'm standing there looking between my parents and that room.

I went up to my parents and hugged them. Both of them were surprised that I made the first move and that they didn't have to beg for a hug.

When they realized what was going on they hugged back.

"I love You" I whispered to both of them.

I wiped my tears and walked hesitantly to the room.

The hallway was pretty to say the least. I've always enjoyed singing and drawing. Ever since we broke up I've been drawing more. I take my drawing book with me everywhere. I have it right now in my bag.

Back to the point. The hallway had different quotes and drawings which were spectacular.

I went into the room and noticed a couple of teens. Some were reading books, some were crying, some were drawing, some were listening to music.

I went and sat in the back of the room which is barely occupied.

When a girl came up to me.

"Can I sit here?" She asked me. Out of freight I shut my drawing book.

When I looked up she was really pretty. She had this beautiful orange hair. With freckled on her cheeks which I think are so cute. She was wearing almost the same as me which consisted of a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

"Uuh uhh yeah" I chuckled nervously as I scratched the back of my neck.

She pulled out the chair and sat next to me.

"Umm are you new here?" She asked me.

"Yeah" I whispered enough so she can hear.

"What were you drawing when I asked to sit here?" She asked me.

"Oh umm no-nothing" I replied. I've never told anyone. Not even when we were dating. And now some stranger asks me and thinks I'll tell her. Haha no it's mine and the only thing I have to my self.

"Anyways what's your name? I mean we've been talking. And I think I'll be here for a while." I explained.

"By the way I'm Johnny. Johnny Orlando. " I introduced putting my hand out for her to shake.

She smiled delicately. "I'm Nadia. Nadia Turner.

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about... learning to dance in the rain."

Don't kill me!! Well Johnny thinks Nadia's pretty... what do you think will happen? I start school tomorrow!!
Enjoy!! Love you-Zoey!! ♡

Word count: 771

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