S e v e n

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Johnny's P.O.V

Nadia. What a beautiful name.

"Its beautiful. Just like you" I blushed. What the heck Johnny? You've been miserable the past few months and you go out and just tell a girl that you just met that she's beautiful.

"Th-thanks" She blushed as she covered her face with her hair.

"I'm I'm sorry I didn't mean to blurt that out." I apologized.

"It's okay.  It just was sudden" She replied.

So we just talked about each other. And I learned that she has 2 little brothers and 1 little sister. She also told me her ex even got jealous when she talked to her brothers or dad. He was insane that's for sure. It was about an hour later and she asked me a question

"So... okay this might be personal but like why are you here?" She asked me.

"I could ask you the same thing. I mean like I said you're really pretty. So what is a pretty girl like you in a place like this?" I tried making her forget about why I'm here.

"Well changing subjects I see. But it's okay you better tell me later on." She pointed out.

"But anyways I umm I was in an abusive relationship. And umm yeah" She explained looking down.

I places my fingers under her chin and lifted it up so she can see me.

"That's horrible. I'll admit. My reason now is so stupid next to yours." I admitted.

"I don't think so. I mean if you're here it means you want to try to feel safe again. And I mean I have been feeling a little safer everyday. I have one friend here and he's really nice he helped me alot. I can introduce you to him. He's around 18 years old. And you look around that. " She told me.

"Yeah haha I'm 17." I told her.

"Well I'm 16."

"So tell me about yourself?" I asked her.

"Uh uh lover boy. Tell me why you're here!" She demanded as she giggled. That was cute.

I chuckled lightly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Well Miss Nadia. I fell into depression after my girlfriend fell for my enemy. It's been going on a couple of months almost a year. My parents found out I was cutting. I fainted in the bathroom this morning and she demanded me into coming here. So yeah" I explained trying not to cry again.

The next you thing you know she was hugging me. Holy crap that's a surprise.

I hugged her back. And cried a little on her shoulders. She rubbed my back. This isn't suppose to be happening. I mean I should be helping her she was in an abusive relationship for God's sake.

I pulled away from the hug. And looked her in the eyes.

"You know I'm supposed to be comforting you and here I am acting like a baby crying on your shoulder." I chuckled embarrassed.

"Nah it's okay. You needed the hug and your reason wasn't stupid." She reasoned.

"Yeah and here I an crying when you got abused whoever did that to you is insane you're a beautiful girl. And no one should talk advantage of you."

She started tearing up.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset." I apologized.

"No haha these are happy tears no one ever said that to me." She replied as she wiped her tears chuckling a bit.

"You know this is nice I haven't talked this much in about 8 months." I told her as I smiled.

"Well I'm glad. You're an amazing guy" She replied making me smile.

"Thanks and you're an amazing girl"

She smiled.

"Nadia Turner" A lady came inside the room. She looked young probably in her late 20's.

I looked at Nadia and smiled and she returned it.

"Can I get your number? We can hang out sometime" She sheepishly asked.

I nodded and handed her my phone and she handed me hers. And we put our numbers in.

"I'll see you soon" I tell her.

She kissed my cheek before she left.

I think I'm never leaving this therapy.

" I wanna tell someone, cry in their arms and talk about everything but I then remember there's no one who would want to listen. Yet, I feel like I just found someone."

Enjoy!! I honestly love love Nadia in this story. You'll understand why later on. But yeah don't hate on her. I mean I'd understand why you would hate her. But she's going to be an amazing person for Johnny! ;)

Love you-Zoey!! ♡

Word count: 775

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