N i n e

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Johnny's P.O.V

It's around 6 P.M when Lauren came home. She was studying with Carson.

I know she likes him. It's obvious. And she isn't going to date him. With me around she won't be having boys near her at all.

Especially since I'm going through depression right now. Imagine if she had to go through that. I'd kill them.

Lauren means the world to me. And that's something that will not change.

I heard a knock on my door. I've been drawing my feelings like Ms.Anderson requested me to.

The door opened and I look up to be greeted with Lauren.

"Hey chopsticks." I hugged her once she sat next to me on the floor.

"Hey rat" She smiled really big.

"So I see you actually talking to me." She added making me feel guilty.

I sighed. "I'm sorry Lauren. I really am" I croaked out.

"It's okay John. I just you know miss us. I miss us walking to school together, I miss you being at school when someone tries to hit on me, I miss the clown in the house, I miss my favorite singer, most importantly I miss my big brother." She said with tears streaming down her face.

"Lauren. I love you. I do and I know I've been the worst brother, worst son, worst friend and all. But please if you ever need me I'll be your shoulder to cry on. You shouldn't have to suffer because of how much of a big baby I am." I croaked out.

She scooted closer to me and laid her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead.

"Johnny" she muffled in my chest.

"Yeah?" I asked her playing with her hair.

"You're the best big brother a girl could ask for." She said making me smile.

"I'm the worst." I stated making her groan.


"Can you understand you're not the worst. You've been going through depression I understand you. Yeah you lashed out to us. Especially me. But i know why you did it I was annoying I should've given you space and I did. And look at you know you're actually talking to me therapy was good for you even if it was just a day. And whoever that girl was that you met. I want to meet her. She made my brother come back." She winked at me.

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