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Third Person's P.O.V

Today's the day.
The day he starts therapy.

He got dressed in his usual depressing attire. A black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. His hair... well he doesn't give a damn how it looks anymore. I mean he has got no one to impress anymore...

He goes downstairs and sees his parents talking. It's about 10 A.M. He hasn't been to school in ages. The school board understood and agreed for John to attend therapy sessions. His grades were flunking a lot!!

"Morning hun" His mother spoke quietly.

He smiled. A fake one to be exact.

"So... your dad told me that you agreed to the therapy which I'm very delighted of... umm you do know you start today?"

He nodded not wanting to talk

"Can you please say a word without lashing out please sweetheart I miss my son. The one who comforted everyone and made everyone happy. Always singing. Always making jokes. Always playing and being active. Now I never even see my son. Your sister they're worried sick for you. Your father and I as well. We understand you're still hurt but please please please don't hurt the people who care for you!!" His mom pleaded.

He sighed and started to tear up. "I'm sorry I know I'm the worst sibling... worst kid... worst boyfriend.. no wonder she broke up with me..." He said wiping his tears.

His parents have never felt more awful. No parent ever wants to see their kid ever talking crap about themselves.

"Oh baby" His mother said right before she hugged him so tight. She cried and cried. Her only son. Her favorite child. The one who brought happiness to the Orlando household. The one who comforted everyone. She knew that. The boy that's now depressed.

"I'm cancelling the therapy session today I want some time with my baby" His mother said going to the phone. His dad. Hell he tried to not cry. But how can he not.

His only son. The only person that he plays guitar with. The one that stood out when singing. At a young age his father started teaching him everything about the music industry. Growing up Johnny soon fell in love with music and singing. He made some originals. All thanks to his dad.

"Let's have a day alone. Just us 3. You talk to us about anything you want. If you'd like we could go somewhere and go have fun. Whatever you want we just want to be with you son" His father told him.

"Can I go change?" Johnny asked his parents. They nodded. Little did they know that he wasn't actually going to change.


Johnny went upstairs to his bathroom and locked the door. He got the razor he had hid in his basket of things in his closet.

He targeted the razor on top of his wrist. He wants to do it... it's just hard to.

He has to overcome his fear. He went closer to his skin. And then he did the thing he always thought was impossible he actually cut himself. While cutting the pain he felt were temporarily gone. He felt satisfied that he made a few more cuts in his left arm. Now, knowing he liked the way the razor felt on his skin he knew he won't be stopping anytime soon. So he left his right arm blank. Well... for now.

Soon enough he went and showered because the blood he had dripping from his arms weren't going to clean itself.

While showering he didn't even feel the cuts. It's like they were never there. All because he felt numb.

He got changed but while changing everything started spinning.

He saw black spots take over his vision.







"Laying on the bathroom floor feeling nothing..." -Shawn Mendes

So I hope you enjoy!!! Love you all!! -Zoey!! ❤🌹

Word count: 654

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