S i x t e e n

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Third Person's P.O.V

"What are you guys doing here? Haven't talked to y'all in months." Johnny asked. Both boys looked at each other and sighed.

"We missed you man." Hayden said first.

"Yeah we missed our best friend." Carson said after looking at Nadia uncomfortably.

Meredith came in after using the restroom and looked at Nadia. "Can I talk to you outside? Alone."

Nadia looked over at Johnny he signaled her to go. She bent down and kissed his cheek before heading off to talk to his mom.

She closed the door and twiddled her fingers nervously. She looked down to the ground and bit her lip.

She looked around trying to not meet Meredith's eyes. She looked at the dull white walls, the nurses/ doctors that walked by, the vending machine. Anything to not meet her eyes.

Meredith obviously realized what Nadia was doing and called her out.

"Nadia honey?" Nadia lifted her head up lightly.

"Yes?" Nadia asked shyly.

"Honey I want you to feel comfortable around me. I just want to know why you apologized on the phone before you ended it?" Meredith asked as she I placed her hand on Nadia's shoulder.

Nadia flinched in response.

"It's my fault he's here..."  She responded after a while.

"Its not your fault hun. And if you don't believe me tell me how is it your fault?"

"I annoyed him so much because I wanted to know how Mackenzie was like. I wanted to be like her.-"

She stopped after a while mot knowing if she should say it...

"I like him, and I want him to love me the way he loves her..."

Meredith gasped.

"You want him to love you? The way he loved Mackenzie?"

"Yeah" Nadia nodded.

"Why?" Meredith asked

"You know he's hurting because of her..." Meredith continued.

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