How to sneak out of a castle

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Chaol watched Celaena carefully. He noticed her left side was unguarded which was unusual for Celaena. His sword plummeted down to strike her and she deflected it. Just. Celaena's eyes were shadowed like she was thinking hard. Chaol let his sword fall to his side.

"Are you ok?" He asked Celaena.

"I'm fine." she said to quickly for it to be true.


"Look Chaol, I'm fine ok. Stop worring."

"Celaena," Chaol sighed. "I worry because I care. You should know that by now."

Celaena looked away. "I think we have practised enough for today."

"Isn't that my decision?" Chaol joked.

"Possibly." said Celaena as Chaol was rewarded by a slight smile.

The truth was, Celaena was thinking up plans to escape the castle so she could do what Nehemia had asked her too. Celaena knew how to get out; she would just have to use the secret passage which led of Elena's tomb. But she didn't know what to take, how much provisions she would need and what type of dangers she would face. However the biggest question was: What was she going to do with Chaol? She couldn't leave him in the castle as the King would torture him or kill him. She would have to take him with her.

That night Dorian came to visit Celaena who at the time had been drawing up escape plans which she planned to share with Chaol. Quickly Celaena shoved the papers under the table. Although Dorian was a good friend (and once her lover) he couldn't see what she was planning as he would try to stop her. Celaena knew Dorian stilled loved her and she still had feelings for him but it could never happen. An assassin and a prince; the country would think they had gone mad and the King would never allow it. To the King Celaena was just another slave who did his evil deeds for him. However Celaena secretly enjoyed Dorians visits as he had the same idea of humour as Celaena and he loved books.

Dorian cleared his throat, "Am I interrupting something?" Celaena realised she must look really suspicious.

"No." she said far too quickly. Dam thought Celaena he must be really suspicious now. But Dorian hadn't seem to notice.

"Fancy a game of pool?" He said leaning casually against the door frame. Celaena leaped of her chair and ran into the games room.

"I guess that means yes." called Dorian after her as he grinned.

Later that night after much cursing and moaning, (as Celaena found it difficult to hit the ball into the pouch; Dorian thought it was probably the only thing Celaena couldn't do and so liked to taunt her about it) Celaena was listening to Dorian as he read her one of his favourite books. Celaena must have fallen asleep as Dorian was shaking her.

"How long was I asleep?" she whispered. He didn't respond.

"How long was I asleep?" she asked again, and noticed a hint of red in his cheeks.

"You were asleep, too?"

"Until you began drooling on my shoulder."

After saying goodnight to Celaena, Dorian started the long journey back to his tower which involved avoiding giggling ladys. They always seem to go where ever he was and it was rather starting to annoy him. Dorian was still in love with Celaena and he still couldn't look Chaol in the face for taking her away from him. He knew really it wasn't Chaol's fault he was in love with Celaena but it made Dorian feel better if he accused Chaol for his broken heart.

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