The Apartment

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Chaol wasn't sure what to expect when he stepped into Celaena's apartment. Maybe he expected a dark and damp room with nothing in it, or maybe a richly furnished suite. However, much to his taste, he found a spacious and tastefully decorated apartment, which looked like it had been painted by an artist. But, everything was covered in a think layer of dust and Chaol strongly suspected there were rats in the kitchen. Celaena lead him into a room, just of the end of the hall way and plonked herself into a fading red armchair, ignoring the eruption of dust that followed, scowling. Chaol, however lingered at the door way; his eyes taking in the room and it's amazing view of the river. The room it's self contained two ageing armchairs and a beautiful Asian coffee table in the middle. Atop the table perched two chipped tea cups, half full and the tea ice cold. They had been left in such away that Chaol thought who ever had left them had been in a hurry. Chaol walked into the room and spotted something he hadn't see before; a spectacular painting sat in the corner of the room, un hung and not framed. It was the most beautiful thing Chaol had ever seen. The painting depicted two young people, a girl and a boy, holding hands and walking merrily through a lovely meadow. Chaol walked over to it and looked closer to realise, with a jolt, that the girl looked exactly like Celaena, but younger. The girl in the painting had the same blonde hair and startling eyes. Next to her however was somebody Chaol had never seem before and made him think he wasn't the only person Celaena had loved, asides Dorian. A pang of jealously shot through him, but was almost instantly replaced by guilt. It didn't matter if Celaena had loved this boy, the only thing that mattered to Chaol was seeing Celaena happy.

"Who is that?" He asked out loud.

"Lost memories." Replied Celaena, her tone indicating for him not to ask anymore questions. She signed and looked out of the window: "we made a mistake coming here." She said.

A/N this is a short continuation on the request of Lubilu18. I will probably continue, however I am still unsure on the ending. Thanks for everyone's support!

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