The Plan

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Celaena knew she had to tell Chaol the plan. She did trust him, of course she did, but she found it difficult to trust ever since Sam's death. Sometimes when things became dark, Celaena would bring out the part of Sam that was tucked away in her heart and hold it close and try to remember the good times when he had held her close. Stop thought Celaena, you need to tell Chaol. So she did.

Chaol always came to visit Celaena during lunch and they would laugh and bicker about things that came into mind. As always Celaena heard Chaol first as he would talk to Ress, rather loudly. Then Chaol would burst into the room without even knocking. Celaena drummed her fingers against the wooden table she was sitting at as she waited for him to finish his conversation with Ress. This could take a while she thought. Celaena occupied herself by running though the plans she had made, checking for faults or flaws that could lead them to capture.

Finally Chaol burst into her rooms and fell flat on his face as he tripped over Fleetfoot. He looked flustered and hot as well as embarrassed.

"Hello, Chaol." said Celaena, "Nice of you to drop in."

Chaol grunted. Celaena grinned wickedly. Picking himself up, Chaol came and sat opposite Celaena. Celaena schooled her features to neutral as she was bubbling with excitement over her new plan.

"Chaol..." she started slowly and carefully.


"I have a...question."

"Ok." Chaol said, not sure if it was the right thing to say.

"Would you leave the castle to come with me?"

This completely threw Chaol. "Are you serious?!" He said staring at Celaena.

"Of course!" said Celaena looking slightly offended.

Chaol took a deep breath: "I would go any where with you Celaena."

Celaena let out a breath that she hadn't realised she'd been holding. "Good." Chaol looked at her, slightly confused. "But you can't leave the castle for another 3 years!" Said Chaol, "Why are you bringing this up now?"

"Because I plan to leave. I am going to Eyllwe, and I want you to come with me."

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