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Celaena led Ress to the other side of the 'lounge', away from Chaol, where she removed his swords and told him to sit down. He looked around wildly at the barrels and then gingerly perched on one of them. Celaena remained standing and spoke:
"Why are you here, Ress?" She asked softly but with a bit of venom. Ress flinched, but then puffed out his chest.
"After Captain Westfall left, the King promoted us up into the further ranks. Some of the soldiers refused but I stepped forward." Celaena hissed, what an idiot.
"Then his Majesty told me that Captain Westfall had disappeared and he put a reward on his head and his accomplish's..."
Ress stared at her.
"Captain Westfall is in this room, isn't he!" Celaena moved her hand towards her dagger, he may be an idiot but he was powered by the King who certainly wasn't.
"Ress, I think your mistaken." She told him. Ress stood up.
"No! He is here! And I will find him! You have hidden him here, kept him hostage! You Witch!" He shouted. Ress's shouts echoed through the ship and Celaena heard a cry go up on deck. The rest of the soldiers would be here soon.
Celaena unsheathed her dagger, as quick as lightning, and held it at Ress's throat. He gasped and tried to yell again but Celaena pressed the dagger closer. "I'm going to kill you for that." She hissed, digging the dagger a little bit closer so blood ran down his neck.
Suddenly Chaol stood up from his barrel and Ress's eyes widened: "Captain Westfall!" He gasped, and struggled against Celaena who just grabbed him tighter.
"Help!" He cried to Chaol, but he ignored him looking at Celaena:
"Are the guards coming?" He asked urgently. She nodded.
"That's not good."
"I know."
The sound of heavy feet from the guards was drawing nearer and Ress sneered: "Good Luck getting out of this, Witch." Celaena looked at him, her eyes cold.
"Don't you dare call me Witch." She seethed, reaching silently for her dagger. Chaol noticed her hand move: "Celaena..." He warned, "He's possessed by the King! He doesn't know what he's doing!" Ress grinned at her again.
"Witch." He spat.
It all happened very fast. Celaena whipped her dagger from under her tunic and stabbed at Ress repeatedly: "Don't you dare!" She screeched, "Never call me a Witch again!" Chaol ran to her just as the life slipped away from Ress, and he grabbed the body before it hit the floor-blood staining his hands. "Celanea..." He said, his voice pained. But Celaena wasn't listening. Drawing her sword she ran towards the stairs, just as the rest of the guards burst through. The first guard didn't even have time to scream before he was dead on the floor. The other five drew their swords but they were no match for Celaena. Her sword ripped through the air, spilling blood as it went-Chaol hadn't seen her this angry since Nehemia had been murdered. Three more guards were on the floor and the others had the sense to run, however Celaena caught up with them and ripped them to shreds.
Chaol took one look at the mass of dead bodies before him and vomited up his breakfast.

Throne of Glass; The Task from NehemiaWhere stories live. Discover now