10) Truth About Us

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"L-Let's drinnnk." Sana raised her glass in the air and gulped it down.
Tzuyu looked at the latter and she was clearly drunk.
"Sana, I think you should stop drinking."
"T-Tzuyu-ahh..." With tired eyes, Sana held her two hands on Tzuyu's shoulders.
"W-Why do I... l-like you?"
Tzuyu let out a small laugh, "Shouldn't you know the answer?"

"Yaahhh... Tzuyu-ssi, do you... love meee?" She released her grip and place her hands on Tzuyu's chest.
"Love is a strong word." The tall girl nervously and slowly grabbed her hands and moved it away from her.
"A-All day... I walked p-past you and I always... wanted you." She dropped her head into her arm.
"Tzuyu-ahh... I l-love you." Sana wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's neck and before she knew it, Sana pulled her into a kiss.

Tzuyu was taken aback, though she didn't stop her. She let it happen.
The drunk girl pulled away first and dropped her whole body onto Tzuyu's.
'Now I have a drunk girl on my hands.' Tzuyu sighed and pulled her phone out.
"So how do you know Mina?" Momo asked.
"We've been friends since we were children, our parents got along so we did the same."
Dahyun took a sip of her drink.
"I'm wondering how you guys became friends with Mina?" It was Dahyun's turn to ask.

"When we started High school, we were in the same class together. I met Sana by accidentally running into her whilst I was getting my food.
Mina, she was forced to help me work harder, but that's when we started to get along. Yet she still forces me to do work."

Dahyun chuckled, "Typical Mina."
Suddenly a phone rang inside Dahyun's pocket, she looked to who it was.
"What does Tzuyu want now?" She asked herself.
"Problems with girls I assume." Momo joined in.
"I won't be surprised." She answered her phone with a serious tone.
"What now Tzuyu?!"
"I need you to get over here with Momo."
She looked at Momo who was waiting patiently.
"Where are you?"
It's been an hour since Mina and Chaeyoung properly studied. Now Mina's sleepy head was leaning onto Chaeyoung's arm, but she let the girl sleep on her. She kept reading her notes as the girl slept peacefully, she smiled sweetly at the latter. Mina's head fell suddenly on to her lap waking herself up.
She felt flustered and embarrassed that she covered her face.

"I'm s-sorry." The girl apologised, but Chaeyoung just laughed.
"Was I boring you?"
"I'm just tired." Mina rubbed her eyes.
Chaeyoung scooted nearer to Mina and put her head onto her shoulder.
"What's this?" She asked.
"You said you were tired." Such a smooth move Chae, she thought and grinned.

Mina looked up, their eyes locked in place. She saw that her eyes shone like a star, she could see her cheeks going red.
The atmosphere changed in an instant, both girls felt the tension... yet they didn't know what to do.

"Ms Son." Jihyo came in.
The two girls shook themselves.
"Yes Jihyo?"
"You've got a call from Mr Park."
Mina looked at Chaeyoung, she could see her fist balling up and eyebrows crossed, like she was ready to fight.
"Keep them on hold." She turned towards Mina.
"I'm sorry, but I have ask you to leave, it's a very important business call."
She understood her situation and parted ways as Chaeyoung held the door for her.
"So... what do they want now?"
"Try again." Momo suggested.
Dahyun knocked on Tzuyu's house again, hoping that someone will come.
The only thing they were here for was Sana as she had a bit too much to drink, but they didn't know that.
The door swung open revealing Tzuyu's bodyguard.
"Ms Kim, I assume Ms Chou called you over." She let the two girls inside and behind them was Dahyun's bodyguard.
"There are upstairs." Nayeon pointed above whilst the two girls walked upstairs.

"How's Tzuyu, I heard that a drunk girl fell on her." Jeongyeon nudged Nayeon.
"I was this close to throw her out." She sighed.
"But Tzuyu seems like she cares more for this girl." They both sat in the living room whilst Jeongyeon was speaking.
"I won't be surprised if they don't hit it off."

Nayeon was a sensitive type, she brought up Tzuyu like she was her sister. She was first introduced when Nayeon was 20 whilst Tzuyu was 11, she had no choice, but to become a bodyguard. It was only then that Tzuyu and her were very close. She wanted to protect her, but she's afraid that she'll leave her like her family did.

Just a few months later she met Jeongyeon who was 19 at the time, they met through Dahyun and Tzuyu. Whilst the youngest were talking, they had the opportunity to speak to each other. She learnt that Jeongyeon was Dahyun's half sister, by the time, she was living with Dahyun so they could get along. That's when Jeongyeon promised Dahyun an oath to stay with her.
"Tzuyu-ah, what happened?" Dahyun panicked thinking something horrific happened.
Instead they saw Sana laying in Tzuyu's bed with Tzuyu sitting beside her.
"Sana?" Momo went up to the sleeping girl.
"She's just asleep, she had too much to drink."
Momo sighed in relief, "Thank goodness."
"What are you going to do?" Dahyun asked.

"I'll leave her here, I'm going to sleep in the guest bedroom." Tzuyu replied as she was about to get changed.
"I'm just glad she's okay." Momo sighed again.
"You guys can go." She gestured to them.
"Why did you call us in the first place?" Dahyun questioned.
"I wanted to see if you would actually come, plus I wanted Momo to know that her friend is okay."
Momo chuckled making Dahyun roll her eyes, she pulled Momo to the bedroom door and exited it.
As Dahyun dropped Momo off her house, she wanted to know that Sana will be okay with Tzuyu.
"I trust Tzuyu."
"Yeah, unless she tries to go out with another girl." Dahyun joked.
"She must like her if she would bring her home."
"She's not the first, but I can see your point."
Both of them said their goodbyes and waved each other for a long period of time.
"Goodnight Dahyun." The soft tone never left Dahyun's head, it kept her thinking of her.
"Eww." Jeongyeon rebuked.
"What's wrong now?"
"It's just... ewww." Jeongyeon was clearly teasing her.
"Let's just get home."

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