16) Back To You

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"Where's Son Chaeyoung?!" Dahyun panted as Jeongyeon followed her to the reception.
"Dahyun?" A familiar voice spoke from behind her.
"Momo, you're here."
"What happened to Chae? Mina called me."
A sudden shout came from the left hallway.
"Dahyun, Momo over here." The tall girl waved as she held the door, letting them inside.

Everyone was here, the bodyguards, their friends and Chaeyoung who was unconscious.
"What happened?" Momo asked.
"Someone smashed a glass bottle over her head." Jihyo responded.
"Why?" Sana was confused.
The three older girls looked at each other, they must not know the truth.
"We will never know." Jeongyeon covered.

Everyone listened, but one girl.
Mina was by Chaeyoung's side since they got to the hospital, she held her hand the whole way. She was sitting on the floor with her head on the bed and her hand on hers.
Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo decided to leave the girls in the room whilst they wait in the waiting room.
"Is Chaeyoung going to be okay?" Nayeon asked Jihyo.
"She'll be fine."
"Is it true that the person was with..."
Jihyo nodded, knowing what she was going to say next.
"We have to put a stop to this, we can't protect her forever from them." Jeongyeon said.

None of them wanted this to happen, they didn't know how the situation got out of hand. They just knew who was behind this, the family that started it all.

Nayeon stood up from her seat and started to go to the exit.
"Where are you going?" Jihyo asked.
"Going to get some food for the girls and us." She continued to walk to the door.
Before she could Jeongyeon quickly spoke, "I can come with you."
Though Nayeon denied the offer and appreciated for the help.
"You're acting weird." Jihyo raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you when you're with Nayeon you act so weird."
Jeongyeon shook her said hastily and let out a laugh.
"Pft... that's nothing."
But Jihyo could tell that something was wrong with her, that laugh was not any other laugh. She knew she was hiding something.
"You're going red... why?" Jihyo cupped Jeongyeon's face.

"W-What are you doing?" Jeongyeon was flustered from what she was doing.
"You feel hot and you're going red." She repeated.
Jeongyeon knew that there was no way out of this situation, she had to tell her the truth.
"I... like... Nayeon." She thought that she would react, but Jihyo just smiled and gave her a playful nudge.
"So you do have a feeling for her."

Jeongyeon was taken aback when she when she winked.
"What did you mean by that?"
"I mean that I knew you have some feelings to Nayeon." Jihyo nudged her as she shuffled away.
"Was I that obvious?"
"Very obvious."

Flashback - (5 years ago)
Jihyo's POV

This is the first time that Chaeyoung smiled for a few years. It's been a while since she ever had fun with friends.
Now she had two friends which she gets along with and the same could be said about me.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon, a pair which they both knew each other; we were all waiting besides the young kids whilst the Kim, Chou and Son company come to work with each other.
My mother is taking over since Chaeyoung is still young.

Next to me were the two bodyguards, every time I look over to them the short haired girl seem to always tease the little bunny. Jeongyeon's face turn bright pink when Nayeon acted cute in front of her. Although it's been a month since I properly got to know them, but there's something going on between them.

Flashback End- Author's POV

"You always seem to tease her." Jihyo said.
"She's cute when she's angry." Pink blush started to form on Jeongyeon's cheeks.
"When did you start liking her?" She asked.
"Ever since I saw her."

Flashback- (6 years ago)
Jeongyeon's POV

I was standing outside the park with Dahyun who was jumping up and down. She's been like this ever since her parents said that she's going to meet a new friend.
It was Mr Chou's daughter who was one year younger than Dahyun.
"Ooh there she is!" The girl pointed straight towards the black car which parked in front of us.
"Tzuyu-ah!" Dahyun shouted as she ran up to her friend who was taller than her.
"Dahyun!" They both gave each other a hug.

Whilst the both of them were hugging, someone came behind her. A girl with long silky hair, eyes that reflected the light. She smiled revealing her bunny-like teeth which I found very cute. The one thing about her was that she was adorable in every which way.

She suddenly looked at me.
"I assume you're Dahyun's bodyguard?" She spoke in a soft tone.
"Y-Yes." I hesitated.
"My name is Im Nayeon." The girl held out her hand, as shocked as I were, I slowly shook her hand.
"Yoo Jeongyeon." I spoke quickly.

"Unnie!" The youngest girl tugged her sleeve.
"Waeyeo, Tzuyu-ah?" Nayeon knelt down to be eye level with her.
"I'm hungry."
"I guess we can eat, where do you want to eat?" She looked at me as she asked.
"Wherever." I said.
"I want tofu!" Dahyun raised her hand.
"Okay Dongsaeng, we will get you tofu."

"I know a great place." Nayeon smiled as she took hold of Tzuyu's hand.

Flashback End

Just in time, Nayeon came in holding a plastic bag.
"I assume the girls must be tired." Jihyo spoke.
"Let's check on them." Jeongyeon insisted, but when they did they all fell asleep.
Tzuyu and Sana were on the chairs, Sana wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's neck.
Dahyun and Momo were on the floor with Momo's head onto Dahyun's shoulder.

"More food for us." Jeongyeon silently celebrated as the other two rolled their eyes.

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