28) A Special Gift

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New Year past and its a day till they were back to school.
All of them were sitting out in the backyard of Dahyun's garden, peacefully they laid back on the grass out in the cool breeze and a bit of sunshine as they quietly talked to each other.
"2019, times going by quick." Sana sighed.
"I'm just dragging about school." Momo moaned.
"At least we'll be back where we all met." Mina smiled.
"That's the only thing I like about it." Tzuyu added.

"I have to get something." Dahyun spoke.
Before Dahyun went inside, Chaeyoung grabbed her to the side.
"Are you sure? It's very precious to you."
"Don't worry, it deserves to be given to someone precious to me."
Chaeyoung nodded and let Dahyun go upstairs.

Dahyun's POV

I ran upstairs into my bedroom and searched in my closet, a chest hidden at the back. I dragged it out next to my bed as I scattered through my old stuff, I finally found it.

A box with a necklace, a gift from my sister to me. I remembered the time the last time I was with her.

Flashback — 10 years ago

"Yoona!" I shouted from the window.
She had the biggest smile I've ever seen, but also sad at the same time.
I quickly ran downstairs and outside, just to see her one last time.
"When are you coming back?" I asked.
"I don't know, but I'll write you a letter when I have the chance." She kneeled down.

"Yoona-unnie." Tears started to form around my eyes.
"Don't cry, Dahyun-ah." She wiped the tears from my face and smiled.
"Here." She handed me a box and inside was a necklace that said 'I Love You' in many languages.
"What's this?" I asked.
"A necklace for you, I want you to give it to someone precious in your mind."

Someone special?
Who would that be?

"Good bye, Kim Dahyun."
I watched as she entered the car before she parted ways, the last time I saw her smile was in the car.

Flashback End

That was the last time I saw her. It may have been the upbringing on my independence. The story didn't end yet, maybe I wanted to hear the truth from Yugyeom.
Maybe there's some way I could repair our relationship.

"Dahyun!" A shout came from downstairs.
"Someone's here to see you."
I didn't expect anyone, who is it?
Then a knock came from the door.
"Who is it?" I asked
It's was a deep male voice.
"It's your brother." Yugyeom opened the door.
"Yugyeom?" I instantly ran up to him, giving him a hug.

"Why are you here?" I inquired.
"To greet you a happy new year and to see you."
I let him sit down on my bed as I showed him the box from Yoona.
"Yoona gave this to you."
"Yes and I was planning to give it to Momo." I mentioned with a smile.
"She gave me a similar gift." He said.
I turned to him, wanting to know.

"It was a locket, with me, you and her." He continued, "She wanted me to remember our family closely."
We felt closer, this is the moment where our problems weren't problems anymore. This is where our relationship will heal.
"Tell me, why did you write the letters?" I asked and he nodded.

"Ever since her death I was distraught, I thought I couldn't move on. I took out all of my feelings onto you and the whole family, but I knew I was wrong for doing that.
When her death came around and you wrote another letter to her, I knew you couldn't bare to hear the news.
So I told everyone to hide the secret, especially Jeongyeon. Us two wanted to keep the secret hidden from you until you either found out or were ready to hear the truth."

I listened intently.

"We didn't want to hurt you, you were young back then."
"I know and I appreciate for all that you did." I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
"You have a good life Kim Dahyun, you've go your two best friends and a girl friend. Most importantly, you've got Jeongyeon who's always been there like a sister."
When he mentioned it, I do have a good life. Whatever happened before, doesn't matter to me anymore. It's all in the past.
I'll miss you Yoona.

"Well I'll be going, say hi to the others for me." He got up and opened the door.
"You're a good brother, Kim Yugyeom."
"I know."

Author's POV

Dahyun ran downstairs and into the backyard as she regained her breath, she steadily walked towards Momo.
The girl looked back and smiled. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu smirked before leading the other girls inside.
"What's up?" Momo asked.
"You know I love you, right?" Dahyun began.
"And I know we haven't been lovey dovey to each other."
That's debatable.

"But, I want you to have this as a gift." She handed her the box containing the necklace, Momo opened it up.
"A necklace, why?"
"This was my sister's, she wanted me to give it to someone special and I did." Dahyun chuckled to herself.

"I love you and I don't even know I say that often." She said.
Momo started to hold her hand and before Dahyun knew, she was already forced into a kiss that was unexpected even Momo was surprised.
It kept like this for a good 10 seconds before the two slowly stepped away.

"Sorry, you're just... kissable." You could see on Momo's face how see looks embarrassed.
"That's new... and thanks?"
The both of them felt awkward and they decided to enter the house.

"That's not weird." Jeongyeon whispered to Jihyo as they watched the two awkwardly smiling girls.
"No it's just love."

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