25) Speaking The Truth

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It was the end of their journey to London, each of them were happy except one, but at least it didn't stop her from having fun. They decided to go back to Seoul on the jet again.

It took a short amount of time to get back since everyone was tired, it was about 6:00 when they got back. Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu decided to take Mina, Momo and Sana to one house, so they picked Tzuyu's.

The girls were upstairs in Tzuyu's bedroom whilst he bodyguards were in the Nayeon's room.
"Just one day until Christmas." Sana sighed.
"Yeah, time is going quick." Chaeyoung said.
"I haven't had time to get presents for anyone." Momo frowned.
"We don't need presents, Momo. I'm just glad to have everyone here." Mina cheered her up.
"I mean those plushies are presents from us to you." Dahyun implied.

"Unless you're Chaeyoung and that plushy was a present from me to her." Mina chuckled, everyone in the room laughed at Chaeyoung as she pouted.
"At least that tiger plushy reminds you of me."
They all stopped and smirked at Mina who was blushing as she hid her face.
"Smooth." Tzuyu added.

"We don't have to deal with the Park Company." Dahyun laughed, but non of the others did.
"What do you mean?" Momo asked with the other two crossing their arms.
"She means nothing, right Dahyun?" Chaeyoung nudged her friend.
"I mean... yeah."
"Such an idiot." Tzuyu murmured.

"Tell us, there's clearly something you are hiding." Momo spoke.
"There's nothing." Chaeyoung defended, but it still didn't work.
"I'm pretty sure there's something, I saw you three and your bodyguards act strangely with Park Namjoon." Mina continued, "And I heard that Jihyo was going to their building."

Now they are screwed, it's not like they have a solution for this.
Chaeyoung nodded to Dahyun and Tzuyu, I think it's time to tell them.
"Do you know the reason why Chaeyoung was targeted when you were out?" Dahyun asked Mina.
She shook her head.
"We assumed that it was by Park Namjoon that assigned him."
They were shocked.
"Why, there has to be a reason?" Sana asked.

Tzuyu took over, "All he wanted was money and power, he wanted to take over our companies, especially the Son Company."
"Is that why Jihyo went over there?" Mina inquired.
They nodded.
"I'm so sorry Chaeyoung." Momo said.
"It's okay, I'm use to his schemes."
"It's bad enough they hurt you."
The look on Mina's face made Chaeyoung worried, she didn't want to make her think that it was her fault that she go hurt.
"I think I was better off, protecting you" She smiled and moved to closer to her.

Though there was still more.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun looked over to Tzuyu who was looking weary.
"Don't you think it's better if you tell her?" Dahyun whispered.
"I mean we're on the topic of telling truths so..." Chaeyoung joined in.
Tzuyu took a deep breath and sighed.
The girl looked up with curious eyes.

"There's something I need to tell you what happened in the park."
"When you called me to meet?"
"I-I..." She stopped for a second. "Lisa was there and she showed me a picture of us when you drunkly kissed me."
Sana hid her face from embarrassment.
"She said that she'll post that everywhere and I'm scared that everyone, including the media will target you as well."

"I've never heard that Chou Tzuyu is scared." Mina smiled.
"So what's the solution?" Momo questioned.
"If I stayed away from you." Tzuyu her hand on hers.
"I can't do that."
The other girls smiled at them.
"I don't care about the media or Lisa, I just want to be with you." Sana placed her other hand on hers.

(A/N Cheesy right?)

"Do you have any secrets, Dahyun?" Momo looked over to her.
"I'll have you know that my family kept the secret of my sister for years, so I have nothing else to tell you." She chuckled.
"Touché, Kim Dahyun." Chaeyoung playfully punched her.
Momo laid her head onto Dahyun's shoulder, before Dahyun rested her head onto hers.

Suddenly Tzuyu's phone rang.
"I have to take this."
She stepped outside.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Mom? Dad?"
"The girls are having fun." Jeongyeon came in as she shut the door.
"But it looks like Jihyo isn't." Nayeon pointed to the girl who was looking out from the window.
Jeongyeon grabbed the box from her pocket and pulled it out. Nayeon nodded as she proceeded to watch.
Jeongyeon laid the box next to her, "I think it's better if you kept it, I think he would too." She patted her back.

The two girls turned out the lights, Nayeon decided to sleep on the floor with Jeongyeon and wanted Jihyo to take the bed.

The lone girl stood staring into the heart of darkness, the night sky glowed from the stars that shone out through space. Just maybe one day she'll find someone she'll love.

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