31) Back To School

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School day, a fresh start of the new year especially what happened yesterday with the girls. A crowd of people surrounded the group especially Sana and Tzuyu.
They were taking pictures and harassing them with frequent questions like:
"Are you really together?"
"Is this true?"

Of course they didn't answer, with Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Nayeon pushing through the crowd to make way for the girls.
They all went into the school and into a room which was particularly for the three most popular girls when they have to get away from everything.
"This is what you experience?" Momo asked still getting light headed from the camera flashes.
"Every time in our old school." Dahyun answered.
"It must be hard then?" Mina spoke.
"You'll get use to it." Chaeyoung smiled.

It's been a few minutes and the noise died down as the bell rang on time for them to leave. The bodyguards looked at every part of the hallway, trying to protect them from any kind of encounter.
The coast was clear, with each of them moving close to each other, Tzuyu noticed that Sana looking down.

"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah... didn't know people cared that much."
As they arrived at their Home Room, Tzuyu grabbed Sana's hand and pulled her close.
"Like you said, I don't care what people say."
Chaeyoung opened the door and walked in first with Mina by her side.
Already everyone in the class started to be fully immersed and silent, the girls casually went to their seats with a few occasional sayings from the students.

"That girl next to Chaeyoung, is so lucky?"

"I'm so jealous."

"Why did she pick her?"

"That Momo girl is kinda cute."

Those were only for Chaeyoung and Dahyun, but for Tzuyu it was worse that what people were saying outside.

"Is Tzuyu even trying?"

"Who is this girl?"

"Probably another desperate girl."

Tzuyu saw that Sana was hurting, she held her hand which she immediately took her hand away.
Whilst they sat in silence, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo were outside and could hear everything.
"How dare they talk about Tzuyu and Sana?" Nayeon crossed her arms in anger.
"Teens, they're just too judgmental." Jihyo sighed in disbelief.
"We should leave before Nayeon hears more about her sister." Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon hand and dragged her out of school.

"What if they need my help?" Nayeon was more concerned.
"Sana has Tzuyu and they have their friends, clearly they have to defend each other." Jeongyeon kept pulling her to the car.
Jihyo chuckled as she saw the two struggle.
"You're in a hurry to go somewhere."
"Oh yeah, this girl asked me on a date." As Nayeon replied back, Jeogyeon was already looking flustered.
"So you did take my advice."
"Can we just go?" Jeongyeon hurriedly opened her car door.
"So you can dress up early?" Jihyo kept teasing her with Nayeon who was laughing with her.
Skipping through the school day, it was lunch. The girls sat out in the rooftop to eat their food and to escape the crowd, luckily each of them packed their lunch instead of going to the cafeteria which was the danger zone for harassment.

"Now that were out for a while, was everyone's first half of the school day going okay?" Chaeyoung started the conversation.
Everyone mumbled which assumably means yes.
"Nice talk guys."
They continued to eat in silence with a few whispers. All of a sudden this happy couple turned to silence when they arrived at school.

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