13) Family Problems

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"Are you ready?" Jeongyeon asked as she fixed Dahyun's outfit.
"Not even in the slightest." Dahyun almost said jokingly.
The doorbell rang as expected, Jeongyeon was at the door ready as she opened it.
"Dahyun!" Her mother called as both of her parents hugged her.
"I've missed you Dubu!" Mr Kim kissed her cheek.

On the other side of them were Jeongyeon's family greeting her, they seem quite happy.
"Dahyun, you remember your brother." Her dad gestured.
They both said in a cold tone that even their family noticed.
The family sat in the large dining room that was specifically a gathering table. Jeongyeon sat next to Dahyun, just in case something happens.
Everyone was talking and laughing except Dahyun who was glaring at her brother the whole time. She hated the way he acted, the way he just smiles innocently like nothing is going on.

"So Dahyun, how is it like to become the heir to Kim's company?" Mrs Yoo asked, everyone went silent.
"It's an honour and a privilege to take over my families company." She said cheerfully, everyone asked her, all except her brother who mumbles the words, "You wouldn't be good enough to run it."

Jeongyeon could see that Dahyun was clenching her fist, she calmed her down by placing her hand on hers.
"Don't take notice of him."
Gong Seungyeon, Jeongyeon's sister, asked her another question.
"I heard you have a new girlfriend, who is she?"
"Her name is Hirai Momo, she is a unique girl who's energetic and overall special to me."
As she finished her sentence, her brother laughed to himself whilst smirking as he stabbed his fork into his steak.

Dahyun couldn't take it anymore, she stood up frantically.
"Okay, do you have a problem?" Dahyun started.
"Or do you need to tell the rest of the table?"
"Dahyun, sit down!" Jeongyeon demanded.
"No." She denied, "Please excuse me I'll be in my room." She respectfully bowed and walked upstairs.
Dahyun slammed the door shut behind her, everything in her room shook like an earthquake, making one of her frame to fall down and glass broke scattering pieces on the floor.
She realised the frame inside was a letter from her sister who is living abroad.

Though, Dahyun only saw her sister a few times, she always wrote letters to her and always responded back.
Her sister was 10 years older than her living the life that Dahyun wanted. The first ever letter she wrote.

Dear Dahyun,

Hope it's okay over their in South Korea, missing the family so much. I hope to see you one day.

Love from your Big Sis.

Tears started to from in the corner of Dahyun's eyes, she wanted her sister to be with her. The only thing she can see her was the only photo when they were together for the last time.
The family was ready to leave, each of them said goodbye to Jeongyeon who was holding the door.
"Are you sure Dahyun will be fine?" Dahyun's mother asked Jeongyeon.
"Don't worry, I'll be sure to cheer her up."
As everyone said goodbye, there was one person who was not yet ready to leave.
"You're lucky she didn't hurt you." Jeongyeon scoffed.
"Like she can hurt me." Yugyeom chuckled, he then searched through his pocket and held it out.

"What's this?" She asked as she took hold of the piece of paper.
"It's a letter from her sister." He said before heading to the door.
"When will she know the truth?"
"Now she needs her sister more than the truth." Yugyeom left.

Jeongyeon sighed, 'One day Dahyun, just one day you'll get to know and I'll be there to comfort you."
A sudden ringtone came from the living room.
It wasn't her phone, but Dahyun's. The caller ID was from Mina.

"Hello?" She asnwered.
"Where are you now?!"

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