22) Meant To Be

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Nayeon's POV

I stood there waiting for one of them to respond, I could see in Mr Chou's eyes that he didn't want to do this, but Mrs Chou encouraged him.
"Do you remember what happened... 17 years ago?" He asked.
"My sister was put up for adoption because my parents didn't have any money." I replied, trying not to remember.
"It wasn't only because they didn't have any money." Mrs Chou spoke.

"It was because they didn't want her."
Thoughts started to form in my head.
They lied to me, they told me that they couldn't support her because of the money!
She didn't even have a name and she was put up for adoption. Monsters! Absolute cruel people!

"Why wasn't I put up for adoption? Why wasn't I given away?" I asked, I had my fist into a ball trying to resist the urge to punch something.
"Your parents thought it would be better with one." She tried to soothe my anger, but inside I wanted to scream.

"They were wrong, they didn't want me. They hated me!" I shouted.
"Nayeon!" Mr Chou, with his two hands, shook me until I stopped.
"They're not here right now, it's okay."
I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, I could already feel my heart beat slowing.
However, one thing still lingered in my mind.

"How do you know this?" I asked.
They both sighed whilst looking at the floor.
"Because we adopted your sister... Tzuyu."
That can't be true, I don't believe it!
"Tzuyu is..."
"Your sister." Mrs Chou finished the sentence which I couldn't bare to finish.

I feel faint on my knees, Mr Chou kept me up by holding onto my arm and settling me down on a chair.
"I know it's a lot to take in, 17 years."
What do I feel? How do I react? Should I be happy or angry?
It's true what Mr Chou said, there's a lot to take in, but not only this. Jeongyeon... first I was told that Jeongyeon likes me and Tzuyu is my sister?!

Though I felt relieved, I knew that I was missing a part of me ever since Tzuyu, my sister, left me all alone. Now as her bodyguard I will protect her no matter what the cost is. As her sister I will take care of her like a family should.

Author's POV

Nayeon proceeded out of the room still shaking the fact that she had to face the truth with her and Tzuyu. Then a sense of joy came over her, she wanted to tell her and everyone, but she had to wait until they got back to Seoul.

"Don't tell Tzuyu or anyone, we'll tell her when we get back to Seoul."
Jihyo was still beside the unconscious girl which started to open her eyes.
"You finally woke up." Jihyo said.
Jeongyeon sat up slowly, rubbing her head with her hand.
"Did I have too much?"
"You had enough to confess your love for Nayeon." Jihyo walked over to the closet.
"W-Wait what?!" She threw the duvet off the bed.

"What did I say to her?!"
"You technically mistook Nayeon for me, you pabo!" Jihyo shook her head and grabbed some clothes.
"What am I going to do... should I run away? Avoid her?" All the questions Jeongyeon thought wouldn't work even she knew herself.
Jihyo came over to comfort her.
"Why don't you ask her for dinner?"

The front door opened as footsteps grew closer to the bedroom.
"Nayeon?" Jihyo saw her expression change as she got in.
Jeongyeon looked the other way avoiding her.
Nayeon smiled at the latter and walked towards Jihyo.
"I need to tell you two something." She spoke.
"And that is?"
"I never thought that Tzuyu was my... sister."
"What?!" Jihyo exclaimed.
Jeongyeon turned around sharply.

"Congrats, but how? Why? When?"
Nayeon laughed at Jihyo.
"The Chou's told me, but I'm glad. I knew something was missing from me."
"I-I'm happy for you." Jeongyeon stuttered still facing away from them.
The bunny hopped over to her, laying her head down Jeongyeon's shoulder.
"I'm happy I got to share this moment with you."

Jihyo saw that Jeongyeon trying too hard to resist the cuteness.
"Jeongyeon..." A small shrill voice came from the door.
"Dahyun is in her room with the others. She wants to know the truth."
Everyone sat together on one bed, only leaving Dahyun to sit by herself whilst looking at the same blank wall.
The three bodyguards came inside the bedroom with Sana behind them.
"How long has she been like this?" Nayeon asked.
"Ever since we came back to the hotel." Momo answered as she grasped Mina's hand.
"Talk to her, she needs a sister." Jihyo gently and slowly pushed Jeongyeon to the lonely girl.

No response as she called her name, she took a deep breath before sitting beside her.
"I know it's a lot to process, but I'm here." She took hold of her hand, softly caressing with her delicate fingers.
"What's the point, she's dead and it's been 10 years since. I've been talking to my brother the whole time... no I don't think it's a lot to process!" Jeongyeon could hear the harsh sarcastic tone that she gave.

"I didn't want— We didn't want to hurt you."
"That failed didn't it, 10 years you've kept this 'secret'... no... this lie!" Her pulse began to increase, though it didn't make her angry, it only made her more hurt.
"W-Why?! I thought I could... trust you." Tears started to fall from Dahyun's face, as it kept pouring the other girls started to look over.
"You were very happy when you talked to your sister, we didn't want to ruin that for you. If we did then, you wouldn't be the person you are now." Jeongyeon explained.

"P-Please don't leave me." Her young half-sister tightly wrapped her arms around Jeongyeon's waist.
"I would never leave you."

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