27) Going Back

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"Is Jihyo back yet?" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon who was sitting in the dining room.
"No, but I need you for a favour." Nayeon spoke.
"What is it?"
"Can you stay to watch over? I'm planning to confront my parents. I want to get the reason for why they gave Tzuyu to the Chous."
Jeongyeon laughed, "You're not serious right?"
Nayeon stood and headed for the door.
She finally caught up to her.
"Wait! Why do you want go back after what they have done to you?"
"I want to set things straight."
"It's been 10 years since you've seen them."
"And this will be my last."

Nayeon walked out of the house and straight to her car.
In the nick of time, Jihyo's car arrived, she let Chaeyoung in and went to the other two.
"What happening here?" She asked.
"Nayeon wants to go to her parents." Jeongyeon replied.
"Now?! Have you not called them?" Jihyo stood waiting for her answer.
"Why should I, I never called them ever since. I'm going whatever you two say."
"Let me come with you." Jeongyeon blurted out.

"I can stay at the mansion, you two can go." Jihyo offered.
"Thanks, Jihyo." Nayeon smiled.
Jeongyeon insisted she should drive as that she thought that Nayeon would be too angry to drive there and back.

"What was that?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Jeongyeon is driving Nayeon to her parents house." Jihyo replied.
The girl shrugged and went inside, then Jihyo's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" She spoke first.

"Hey Jihyo it's me."


"About what happened back in London when you went to the Winter Wonderland."

Jihyo was eager to listen to what he said next.

"I understand what he did to Chaeyoung and what he'll do to the others, but he's different."

"What do you mean, of course he is, he's an imbecile."

"No, I think you should try and talk to him."

"Why should I, he didn't listen to me for the past few times."

"Remember what I said back in London?"

She tried to recall and finally she did.

"It's about you." Jungkook said.
"What do you mean it's about me?" She asked.
"Ever since he's seen you, he's become less arrogant and nicer." He continued, "It's like he still has feelings for you."

Jihyo froze.
What could he mean?
"No, he hurt my cousin and you know that." She raised her voice.
"I didn't know that until I heard it from him, he was confessing himself."
As they arrived at her parents house, Nayeon stared at it.
"Are you sure they're still here?" Jeongyeon asked.
"They'll never leave this place." She exited the car and made her way through the door.

Her fist balled and was raised to the door proceeding to bang on the door hard.
No one came yet, but Jeongyeon could already see Nayeon's fury before anything has happened.
The door finally opened to reveal her mother standing in the doorway as she let Nayeon come in.

"Nayeon, how...why are you—?" Without hesitation the furious girl shoved her mother out of the way.
"Where is he?!"
"Your father? He's in the living room."
Nayeon stormed off with Jeongyeon following close behind.
"YOU!" She shouted.
"Nayeon you're here—." As her father tried to get the last word in Nayeon grabbed his shirt, pushing the man into the wall.
"YOU SOLD HER!" She shouted again.
"W-What are you talking about?" His voice trembled as he spoke.
"Nayeon calm down." Jeongyeon held her arm.
"Ms Yoo, what is she talking about?" Nayeon's mother asked.

The two young girls exchange glances, in the end Nayeon let go of her father.
"Now that's finished, why are you here?" Her father swept off the dust on his clothing.
Nayeon was ready to speak, she wanted to know the truth. It's been 17 years.
"I know I had a sister and I know you know who she is."
"Who told you? Did the Chou's tell you?" He raised his voice.
"So what if they did? I know it's the truth." Nation stood up frantically.

"All you are is a gullible piece of sh—." A loud slap could be heard. Surprisingly it wasn't Nayeon who slapped Mr Im.
"Shut up for once! Nayeon... I'm so sorry." Ms Im frowned.
"I'm sorry you had to find out like this. It was hard to lose her, and it was hard when I lost you."
Nayeon knelt down next her mother, confronting her.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't know that Tzuyu meant so much to you... then why give her up?"

It took a moment before she quietly weeped in her daughters arms.
"We gave her away because— because I was greedy." Her father began.
"I know you hate me already, but it was my idea to give her away. I didn't want another obnoxious child so I gave her away, all because of money."
"I'm so stupid." He mumbled.
As he explained, all that Nayeon could do was to pull him into a hug.

Jeongyeon sat and watched as the family had a sentimental moment. She was proud of how Nayeon acted— never expecting the turn of events.
"I'm sorry...I haven't visited you in 7 years." Nayeon's eyes began to water.
"I understand why, it's not your fault." He replied.
"You're more than welcome to stay." Ms Im looked at Jeongyeon and then back to Nayeon.

Nayeon nodded and proceed to hug her parents.
Jeongyeon was the first to leave the house with Nayeon who felt happy that now her family's problems have been solved.
"That went well somehow."
Nayeon sighed, "I'm just glad it ended that way than I wanted it to end."
They carried on walking to the car and Jeongyeon stopped.
"What's wrong?" Nayeon asked.

She sat on a nearby bench as she looked down.
"Back in London, what I said... I never knew I would actually confess."
"You were drunk."
Both of them laughed.
"I don't want you to think of me as desperate person who's held this crush for you." Jeongyeon immediately regretted what she said.
"Dammit, what am I doing?"
"No, it's fine." Nayeon held her hand.
Jeongyeon grew a smile from ear to ear.

"Would you like to go to dinner when we don't have any distractions?" She wanted Nayeon to say yes and the bunny let out a small laugh.
"I couldn't ask for a better way to be with you."

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