21) Tzuyu's Parents

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As Mina, Chaeyoung and Jihyo met up with the other three who were at the London Dungeons, two people were standing in the entrance.
"Tzuyu!" A voice shouted across the hall.
"Omma?!" Tzuyu ran up to her mother and her father who was behind her.
"You've grown up so much!" Her father spoke.
"Why are you here?" She asked.
"We heard that you were here, so we decided to come and visit."

The other girls bowed.
"Who are these girls?" They asked.
"Meet, Myoui Mina and Minatozaki Sana." She replied as the two girls bowed.
Tzuyu's parents looked over to Chaeyoung.
"And you Chaeyoung, you look so much as your mother." Mrs Chou smiled.
Chaeyoung nodded and smiled.
"It's a good thing that Jihyo is your bodyguard." Mr Chou patted her back.

But someone was missing.
"Where's Dahyun?" Mrs Chou asked.
"She's in her room." A voice spoke behind them.
"Ah, Jeongyeon, glad to see you here."
"Thanks." As she replied with a cold tone, Nayeon and Jihyo knew something was wrong.
"We'll escort the girls to their rooms." Nayeon insisted.
"Actually, why don't you three have a break. You deserved it." As Mr Chou ordered them off, they had a chance to ask Jeongyeon.

"What happened?" Jihyo asked.
"I told her the truth."
"And?" Nayeon said impatiently.
"And she handled it well, but she's upset. I know she is." She lowered her head.
"Let's get a drink, I think you need it." Nayeon lifted up her chin as she smiled.
Mr and Mrs Chou followed their daughter to penthouse with Tzuyu blabbering on about her life and what has happened. Sana never saw a side of Tzuyu like that, it was kind of laughable.

"Tzuyu is acting so differently." Mina pointed out.
"She was like this as a child." Chaeyoung said.
"Hey guys." Momo came out of the door from Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's room.
"Is Dahyun there?" Chaeyoung asked.
Momo gestured inside.
There she was, Dahyun, sitting on her bed at a blank wall. Silently, the girls sat next to her.
"Dahyun?" Sana spoke first.
"You okay?" Chaeyoung wrapped her arms around her.
"I can't believe she's... dead." Dahyun mumbled, but everyone could here.
"Who's dead?" Mina inquired.
"Jeongyeon told her the truth about her sister and that letter she was talking about." Momo explained.

"Her sister is dead?" Chaeyoung gasped.
Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo went to the pub down the street, with music playing in the background and people who were falling asleep because of too many drinks.
"London isn't that bad." Nayeon first swallowed her beer before she spoke.
"Since when did you think it was bad?" Jihyo asked.
Next to her was a drunk girl who was singing a song called 'Love Line' using a bottle of gin as a mic.
"Jeongyeon!" Jihyo grabbed the bottle of gin from her and checked inside. Not only she drank the whole bottle, but she drank beer as well.

"Oh Jeongyeon..." Even Nayeon started to sigh in disbelief.
"Stop drinking." Jihyo demanded as Jeongyeon kept grabbing Nayeon's drink.
"Yahhh... Jihyo-ssi." As if she wasn't drunk enough, she mistaken Nayeon for Jihyo.
"Should we do something?" Nayeon turned to Jihyo who was cleaning the table.
"Are yoooou... listening to me?"
Both of them wanted to hear what she was going to say next.

"Unnie... don't tell Nayeon, but..." She paused. "W-When I first saw... her, I f-fell in love..." Her eyes drifted to sleep, her soft blonde hair laid perfectly as she passed out onto the table.
Jihyo remembered what she said before.

"I liked her when I first saw her."

She wanted Jeongyeon to tell her how she actually felt to Nayeon, but she didn't imagine it to be this way.
Jihyo looked at the drunk girl and back to Nayeon.
"What does she mean?"
"Wow... she's heavy!" Jihyo grunted as she dragged Jeongyeon with one arm over her and the other arm with Nayeon.
"No kidding!"
Others were staring at them, questioning what happened.
Nayeon scanned her keycard and pressed the top floor. They carried her into their bedroom and threw her onto her bed which made the other girls relieved.
"I'm so happy... it's over." Jihyo spoke as she regained her breath.

"Is it true?" Nayeon began.
Jihyo clearly knew what she was talking about. "Yes and she truly cares about you."
it took a moment for Nayeon to respond back.
"When did she tell you and why?"
"At the hospital when you were out getting food for the girls, I knew that Jeongyeon acted so sweet for you, ever since the start."

The girl started to clasp her hands together, flattered by the facts.
"Jeongyeon was always caring, not only for Dahyun, but towards everyone."
Jihyo chuckled, "What feelings do you have for her?"
Before Nayeon could reply, she closed her eyes.
"I've know her for so many years and yet I haven't seen a spark between us... but maybe dinner could be nice."
The other girl nodded and smiled at her.

Another thought came to the girl.
"Where's Mr and Mrs Chou?" Nayeon asked Jihyo.
"They are in their office assumably, why?"
"I just want to ask them something."
She walked into the elevator and pushed the ground floor in which she went to the manager of the hotel greeted her.

"Ms Im Nayeon, so happy to see you." He smiled.
"S.Coups, nice to see you here." Nayeon smiled.
"It's been a while." He smiled back, "The Chou's are in the office room."
Nayeon walked over to the closed door which she knocked, but there was no response.
She knocked again and there was still no response.

Then she heard loud talking from inside, she opened it ajar.
"We should tell them." Mrs Chou spoke.
"No, they're not ready." Mr Chou denied.
"Nayeon is 27 and Tzuyu is 17, they've been waiting a long time." She moved closer to him.
"What if they..." He didn't dare to finish his sentence.
"They would love to hear the truth, especially Nayeon. She loves Tzuyu like she's her sister. It's time." Mrs Chou placed her hand on his.

"Mr, Mrs Chou..." Nayeon opened the door wide, they looked in shocked.
"Nayeon..." Mr Chou was taken aback.
"What were you talking about... about me and Tzuyu." She walked inside as they still were shocked, they both looked at each other. Mr Chou shook his head, but his wife nodded.
"Nayeon..." Tzuyu's mother came up to her.
"There's something that we haven't told you, what happened 17 years ago."

I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2019 y'all, plus this will be my busiest year.

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