30) Scared To Be Lonely

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The car came to a complete stop when they saw one of the famous bridges.
Banpo bridge.
"Here?" Mina questioned.
"What's wrong with Han Park?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Nothings wrong with it, it's just that I never thought of you being that type of person." She chuckled.
Chaeyoung was still confused, "What kind of person?"

Mina ran to a bench near the river and sat down, she pulled Chaeyoung next to her.
"I love the whole setting of Han River, it's kind of soothing." Mina mentioned.
"Could you say, romantic?"
Her cheeks went a slight red when Chaeyoung said that, though she shook herself and was about to ask her something.
"There's so many places to pick and you came here, why?"

Chaeyoung smiled, "I can remember distinctly that my parents brought me here and got to see the Banpo bridge light up, we sat on this same bench and watched everything."
She continued, "Ever since they've passed away, I never went back. I was too afraid."
In short second, Mina shuffled close to her and laid her head onto hers.

"Stay like this, I want to last this memory of us."
"Nothing matter... nothing matters, but this." Chaeyoung lifted Mina's head from her shoulder and goes to seal the night with a kiss.
All of what happened before doesn't matter, it's only a matter of time to do so.
The night was theirs.
Jihyo stood at the side watching as the two feel affectionate towards each other. Just only once, she wants to feel what love is.
It was her and the world, she liked it this way.

"The two look cute together." A voice spoke behind her.
She frantically looked who that was, it was Park Namjoon. Jihyo was about to walk away when he grabbed her wrist.
"Let go." She tried to wriggle her way out, but he didn't let his grip go.
"Here me out Jihyo."
She finally stopped as he released her hand.

"Talk then because whatever you say it's wasting my time. Who knows what you'll do next?" She was about to walk away.
"I'm sorry."
Jihyo stopped and looked at him.
"Is this some kind of trick?"
Namjoon laughed, "You and Chaeyoung are quite alike."
"What do you mean?"
"Because he came to see me." Chaeyoung came into the conversation.

They turned around and she was stood with Mina.
"Chae, you can't be serious." Jihyo shook her head.
"As your cousin, you should listen to him." She walked away, leaving the two on their own.
Namjoon sat on the ground and gestured to Jihyo to sit down. She instead rolled her eyes stayed standing.

"Do you remember being here?" He tried to talk to her, but she stayed silent.
"The first time I confessed my feelings to you, it was quite funny. You almost pushed me into the water."
Jihyo kept fidgeting with her hands, avoiding eye contact or any sign of contact.
"That was the happiest time I've ever been. To be honest every time I'm with you, I was happy."
She still kept silent, but now she was listening.

"I remember what you said on our last date."
"Your head is full of fantasy and corrupted images, you're hurting your own company and the people around you." Jihyo finally spoke as she sat down.
"You remember."
"How can I not, it was the last time before I left you and I didn't say a proper goodbye."

"That necklace I gave you was the first and last gift I gave to you. I still kept that necklace you gave me." He continued, "I'm sorry for what happened, but before you go. I wanna give you this."
Jihyo saw what he brought out, a half broken box that she recalled when she threw it across the room. The same necklace she kept all those years.
"Did Chaeyoung give you this?" She asked as she stared at it.
"I wanted to apologise to her and she wanted me to give this to you." He moved in closer next to her.

"Is there a reason why?"
Namjoon took a moment.
"It's because I still love you."
The last four words grabbed Jihyo's attention, her eyes started to water.
"Oh dang, did I say something wrong or...?" He tried to soothe her emotions, but he was too awkward to do so.
"N-No... I appreciate what you said, it's just that... I thought I lost you. I thought I would never see the real side of you again." Jihyo paused, "I love you... but am I ready?"

All that Namjoon did was smile.
"Here." He stood up pulled her to her feet as he took her necklace and wrapped it around her neck.
"You've always caught my eye, Park Jihyo." He started to walk away as she watched him leave saying the last thing he said,
"I'm around if you need me."

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