15) I'm Here To Protect You

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"Hey Chae!" The penguin look-a-like waved at the small girl.
"Minari, you came." Chaeyoung sat down with Mina in the tent bar.
They both ordered Soju to drink and as they waited Mina wanted to know Chaeyoung more. Especially her past.
"Can I ask you something?" Mina started.
"How did you meet Tzuyu and Dahyun?"
Chaeyoung thought for a moment, "There were two times that I met them: One- I didn't know them that much to actually make them my friends. Two- it was birthday and they were the only ones to come."

Flashback- Chaeyoung meeting Dahyun and Tzuyu for the first time
Chaeyoung's POV

"I don't want to go!" I crossed my arms, trying to make myself look mad.
"Chae, my mother has a meeting with their parents. Won't you like to meet new friends?" My cousin is always like this, trying to make everything positive.
"But Jihyo, they have something I've not got."
"And what is that?" She sat closer.

"Parents..." I stopped when I said it, just saying the word made me tear up, but not now.
"Chae, I know you're hurting, but meeting these new kids may make you feel better." Jihyo held my hand.
"Whatever." I said before pulling my hand out.

"Ms Park Jihyo, how are you?" 2 men and women came inside the house with Jihyo's mother letting them in.
"Good to you Mr Kim." Jihyo bowed.
"So is this the little Son's daughter?" The lady next to Mr Kim asked.
"She is the one. My husband is in the dining room, Jihyo please make the guests comfy." As her mom lead the others in the dining room, there were 4 more.

2 were teenage girls, looked like bodyguards with their suits and their formal look. The other were 2 kids aged around like mine.
"Welcome." Jihyo bowed, she looked over to me. I rolled my eyes and bowed.
"Let's get the girls to go outside." The girl with the short hair spoke.
We went to the backyard in which the 3 older people were talking to each other whilst these 2 toddlers were running around screaming.
I sat down on the grass hoping they won't be bothering me.

"Hey, my name is Dahyun, this here is Tzuyu." The first girl spoke.
I didn't respond back, I kept fiddling with the grass.
"So what do you like?" The other girl joined in.
Again I didn't respond.
"Are you okay-?"
"Can you stop?!" I stood up, shoving my hands in my pockets before walking out. I didn't look back, I just kept walking back to my room.

Flashback End
Author's POV

"So you weren't that friendly." Mina smiled.
Chaeyoung joined in with the smile, "Well I wasn't in the mood."
The conversation kept going.
"So how did you actually get to know each other?" Mina asked.
"It happened on my birthday."

Chaeyoung's POV

It was my birthday, nobody showed up. What a surprise. Only Jihyo's family came over and guess what... not mine.
My parents exactly.
As everyone was in the dining room, I locked myself in my room just to get away from the distractions and thoughts.
A knock came from the door.
"Chae, it's Jihyo."
"What do you want?" I shouted.
"Don't you want to come and eat?"
"No!" I threw a pillow at the door and after that nothing came, just the sound of muffled talking below.

I laid back down on my one remaining pillow, that's when I heard the door open.
"Jihyo I know you have a key, just leave me alone—." As I lifted up my head and towards the door.
Two familiar girls stood in front of me.

"Happy birthday!" The tallest exclaimed as she handed me a wrapped box.
"Thought you would want some company." The other girl spoke.
I was confused, yet soothing.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.
The two laughed, "It was your birthday and we wanted to celebrate with you."
"Why not? It's a special day."

As the two urged me to open my present, they said that it was from the both of them. When I unwrapped the present inside was a sketch book with 'Son' written on it.
"T-Thanks." I mumbled.
They both smiled.
"My name is Chaeyoung." I randomly blurted out.
"Nice to meet you Chae."

Flashback End
Author's POV

As Chaeyoung finished with her story, Mina was so fascinated that she didn't notice she was staring at Chaeyoung the whole time.
"Are you okay or are you looking at my gorgeous face?" She joked.
Mina snapped out of the trance and shook herself.
"W-What no... I... I wasn't looking at your gorgeous face... I mean face."
"Well I was looking at yours." Chaeyoung smiled as the latter chuckled.
"Ha, very funny." Mina rolled her eyes.
Jihyo stood a few metres away from them, watching every movement each person made.
She's wasn't backing down for this threat she was involved with, it was for Chaeyoung's sake.
A hooded man sat down next to Chaeyoung as he was talking on his phone whilst getting his drink.

For Jihyo, something wasn't right with him, she knew for sure.
He reached out for his pocket only to reveal money which was placed onto the table. As he took hold of the glass bottle, Jihyo acted quickly.
He was about to attack Chaeyoung.
"Chaeyoung!" She shouted as the man raised his glass in the air, Chaeyoung saw what was coming and pulled Mina into her chest, hopefully protecting her.

A few seconds later, glass scattered the floor.
Mina looked up at Chaeyoung who was falling off her chair, she let Chaeyoung fall into her arms and on the ground.
She heard rustling and grunting from in front of her. Jihyo held the man down on the floor.
Everyone was staring.

"Mina! Call 119 and then call the others!" Jihyo demanded.

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