26) Happy Holidays

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Christmas Day, it was a joyful event. The girls spent those days together enjoying their lives and especially to the ones they love.
As for the Park's, they haven't heard of them since, they seems to have quieten down when they left London to Seoul.

It was the 26th of December, Boxing Day has started.
Tzuyu was the only one awake when she heard:

"Chou Tzuyu!"
"It's her." Tzuyu scoffed.
She shook everyone awake.
"Tzuyu! What's the rush?" Chaeyoung groaned.
"Lisa is here."
"That girl!" Momo shouted half asleep.
"I need you three to stay away from her if she storms upstairs." Tzuyu demanded and they nodded.

Tzuyu walked downstairs and opened the door.
"Someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed." Lisa smirked.
"Why did you come here?"
"To wish you a Merry Christmas and wanted to know if your little friend is here." She held phone out.
"You told me to stay away from here and so I did."

Lisa wasn't giving up, "Are you sure about that?"
Footsteps could be heard from the stairs. It was Dahyun and Chaeyoung.
"Look, the whole gang is back." Lisa scoffed.
"Merry Christmas to you to, Lisa." Chaeyoung greeted.
"Where are your girlfriends? Are they upstairs like they all are?" She began to walk upstairs.
"It's a breach of privacy to peek into someone's bedroom without their permission."

Lisa didn't listen and continued upwards until...
"Lalisa Manoban, you cannot enter this house without permission." Nayeon stopped her.
Jihyo and Jeongyeon stood behind her.
"Ugh, your whole family is here." She rebuked.
"I'll have you know that trespassing is against the law and if you don't want to be in jail on Christmas, I suggest you leave." She pointed at the door which was wide open.

Lisa rolled her eyes.
"I'll find out that you're hanging out with that girl." She said before leaving the house and slamming it shut.

"Thanks... Nayeon." Tzuyu sighed, what she heard from her parents last night.
She couldn't believe it, she thought it was impossible. However, in the end she was glad to know the truth, especially her real sister.
"My parents called me last night and... and..." She suddenly lost it and bawled in front of her.

Nayeon pulled Tzuyu into her, caressing her hair as the girl gripped tighter.
The girls from the room walked downstairs.
"Did everything go well?" Sana asked.
"Everything went expected." Jeongyeon answered.

"Hey Chae, where are you going?" Dahyun shouted over to her who was picking up her bag and dressed into work out clothes.
"Going to the gym." Then she exited her Tzuyu's house.
"Does she usually go to the gym?" Momo asked.
"Sometimes after school, but it's usually for her safety." Tzuyu answered.
"Self defence to defend herself, you never know who would attack you when you're just as famous as her in Korea." Dahyun sighed.
"Was she ever like this?"
"No, but ever since the first threat came in and when she was first attacked, that's when she went to the gym."

"The attack?" Mina inquired.
"It happened a two months before we came to your school."


It was 6:00 pm, only Chaeyoung was downstairs studying. It was the only way that she could concentrate without having her phone distracting her.
She was about to go upstairs until a big thud from the kitchen.

"Jihyo?" She called out, but there was no response.
The rustling became louder as if intended.
Chaeyoung walked slowly towards the sound, it was dark in there. As soon as she stepped in the noise stopped, she turned on the light and there was nothing to be seen.

Just as she thought it was nothing, she was suddenly hit by something on the back of the head.
She fell down to the ground hard.
The attacker pulled her hair back, Chaeyoung screamed for Jihyo. That's when the attacker pushed her against the wall before pushing her back to the ground.

Luckily, Jihyo interfered with the situation and tackled the attacker to the floor.
The police came and arrested the man, now Chaeyoung was traumatised.
Jihyo held her tight as the police cars drove off.

Flashback End

"Was it by—."
"It wasn't by the Park company, it was a month before the threats came in." Dahyun spoke.
Chaeyoung started to punch the bag harder and stronger.
It's been a while since she came here again, it was always quiet in the gym. Usually, she was the only person when it was after school, however she wasn't the only one, she didn't mind it though.

Chaeyoung kept training for another hour, until she was tired out.
"Ms Son Chaeyoung." A voice called out.
"Ye—." As she turned around, she instantly clenched her fist.
"Mr Park, you have some nerve coming here."
She chuckled, "Threaten me all you want and I will beat you down in front of everyone here."

Instead of threatening him, he just laughed.
"You remind me of Jihyo when she was like that, no wonder you're cousins."
"Are you here to flatter me?"
"I'm actually here to apologise." He paused, "For everything."
Chaeyoung took a step back.
"I don't know if you're tricking me."

"Don't worry I'm not, I promise."
"Why all of a sudden?" She asked.
"When Jihyo came over to confront me, I was rethinking what she was saying and... I'm a psycho."
Chaeyoung wasn't disagreeing.
"The things that I've done to you and to my brother is just horrendous behaviour. Why in my mind, thought hurting a 17 year old girl would be alright?" He shook his head.

Maybe there was still a chance of him changing.
"What was it for? All I wanted was money and power and I was so desperate that was going to take over your company." He turned back to Chaeyoung and kept apologising for his mistake.
"Call the police, I deserve to be in jail." He insisted
"No." She responded.
"For what just happened, I think you've come to your sense. You realised what you did wrong." Chaeyoung smiled at him.

"Are you accepting my apology?" He asked in shock.
"If you really are sorry then give her this." She handed a half broken box with the necklace inside.
"She's outside if you want to do it now, but maybe you should wait for the perfect moment."

Chaeyoung walked was about to walk out the door when Namjoon called her.
"Chaeyoung... thanks."

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