23) Park Company

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9:15 am and the girls were out in St James' Park, next to the Buckingham Palace.
The morning breeze kept them awake, the grey clouds above them somehow made it soothing as they kept walking through the park.

"Did we have to wake up so early?" Momo moaned with a slanted posture.
"It's the Winter Break, we don't want to waste our time in bed." Mina spoke.
"I want to." Chaeyoung responded.
They all stopped at the edge of the big pond in which they looked over on the other side. It was just a bunch of people on the soft grass whilst they laid their blankets.

"A picnic." Sana pointed out.
"It's quite a cool day for a picnic though." Jihyo butted.
"I don't think we want to." Tzuyu whispered over to Dahyun, their eyes followed someone.
"Tzuyu, what is it?" Nayeon asked.
The two girls didn't respond, they only stared at the people who were coming towards them.

"Park Namjoon..." Jihyo murmured, Nayeon and Jeongyeon stepped in front of Chaeyoung who clenched her fist.
"What are you guys looking at?" Momo looked over to their direction.
"Isn't that—?" Sana was rudely interrupted after Mina shouted.
"Jimin!" She shouted across, waving frantically over to him as he smiled.
"You know Park Jimin?!" Her friends gasped.
"Not a surprise since she knows Dahyun." Tzuyu said.

"Morning Mina and friends." Jimin ran over to them as his brother walked slowly.
"Morning Mr Park." Sana and Momo bowed respectfully.
"Please call me Jimin, you call my brother that."
He looked at each girl until he stopped at the three rich girls.

"Wow, it's Kim Dahyun, Chou Tzuyu. It's an honour to meet you." He bowed.
Tzuyu and Dahyun looked at each other, with the Jihyo whispering to them.
"He's not a part of this, trust me."
With that fact, they both bowed in response.
Chaeyoung's bodyguard movers closer to her.
"Remember, he's not a part of this."
"I know, but his brother is."

There he was, standing next to his little brother, with no expressions on his face as he wore rounded glasses. His hair was slicked back and to top it all, a black suit and tie with shoes that lacked his personality.

"Morning all and especially to the three daughters of the big companies. Ms Kim, Ms Chou and... Ms Son."
The unnerving pause made Chaeyoung's fist clench tighter. The other two stepped in front of her.
"It's a weird coincidence that you are here Mr Park." Dahyun spoke.
"Well it's for a business trip."

'Liar.' Thought Jihyo.
Namjoon looked over to Jihyo, then frantically looked away when she turned her head, "Anyways, we have to get to our building."
"You have a new building." Tzuyu questioned.
"Yes it's called 'NextPark, it was recently built." Jimin replied with a smile.
They bowed as they walked away with Jimin who kept waving back at them, whereas Namjoon kept looking straight ahead.
The girls arrived back to their hotel, just in time for dinner. Everyone, but one was rather to eat.
"Jihyo, are you not coming down?" Jeongyeon asked her.
"I am, just not going to eat."
"Then what are you going to do?" Nayeon butted in.
"Going to speak with Park Namjoon." She responded as her friends were aback.
"Are you sure, we can't come with?"
Jihyo held her and up, "No, I need you to protect the girls, especially Chaeyoung."
They both nodded in unison.
Jihyo's POV

There it was. The Park Companies building, the only way I found it was because Google Maps.

I stomped my way to their company building, only to have one of the workers stop me by the entrance.
"Mam, I must ask about your business here."
"I need to speak with your Director." I hastily clenched my fist.
"You can only speak with him if you have an appointment." He raised his hand to stop me again.
This is time wasting, I can't just let one guy stop me.

"Let me speak to Park Namjoon, or I will get there myself." I gritted my teeth harder as I tried to resist to punch his olive face.
"Park Jihyo!" An echo came from inside.
"I didn't expect you to be here so sudden." It was Jungkook, he walked towards us.
"Jeon Jungkook, can you please tell this worker that I need to speak with your Boss."
He sent him away as he apologised, then he led me into the elevator using a security card to access the top floor.

A few seconds later, the doors opened wide only to reveal a large office with bookshelves on the left side of the room and the other side filled with paintings.
I instantly knew at the back of the room Namjoon was there with his desk and chair, looking sophisticated as always.
Before I could step in, Jungkook stopped me.
"Remember Jihyo, I'm always with you."

That was the last thing he said before the door closed.
What was that?
Why did he say that?

"Park Jihyo, you finally came to my building. Are you watching me, because it seems you're afraid." I could see his smirk over his hands which was positioned in the middle of his face like a prayer.
"We both know that's not true."
"Yes and I'm going to ask you. Why come here?" He continued, "Why come here, if you know that I won't back down."
"She's a kid Namjoon, she's 17." I said coldly.

"And as her bodyguard, you would know what the right thing is for her."
I chuckled, "You're right, I do know what's best for her... it's to follow her. I stick by Chaeyoung's word, nothing is going to change that."
No expression came to him, just a slow head shake.
"So you let your own young cousin to control you." He once again smirked.

"At least I fight by her side, what about you? You're just a coward who sends others to hurt the opposing." I stopped when he slammed his hand down onto his desk.
"You don't know what I do!" His voice started to crack as he shouted loudly.
"No, but I do know that you want to take over the Kim, Chou and Son's company for yourselves. Why?" I wanted this to stop, I don't want anyone to get hurt ever again.

He stayed silent for a short period of time, he clenched something in his hand, assumably it looked like a small box.
"There's still time to change." I spoke.
"I could... but why would I listen to someone else's bodyguard who doesn't have any power?"
"My cousin doesn't deserve to be hurt, your brother doesn't deserve this secrecy."
"If he knows the truth about this, the whole company will go down because of him. Your cousin made a mistake declining my first offer." His voiced raised again.

"Fine. Do whatever you have to do to get what you want, but I'll still protect her, and I stay loyal to Chaeyoung." I started to walk off, just before I got into the elevator, I heard him say, "Be careful for what you believe in."

Mark my word, Park Namjoon will never take over the three big companies, neither will he partner will any of them. As we know how power and money corrupted his mind.

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