17) Trip Plans

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The next morning, the sun shone into the room lightening it up. A cool breeze came in through the open windows, the blinds moved with the wind as it hits the glass and panels causing one of the girls to wake up.
Chaeyoung opened her eyes slowly as she regained her focus on the ceiling.
'Ow... my head hurts." She tried to scratch her head with her right arm, but something was preventing her.

There laid a girl sleeping peacefully on her hand as her hair covered her face. She smiled at the latter as when she tried to pull her arm out free, Mina would tug and grip it tighter. Chaeyoung found it amusing as she watched Mina cutely use her hand as a pillow.
Tzuyu and Sana were in the same position as before, with Sana's arms around Tzuyu's neck. The brown headed girl opened her eyes shocked as her head was near Tzuyu's head almost like they were about to kiss.
Sana jolted backwards, trying not to freak out and wake up everyone.

"I was so close to her head!"
Which beg the question still that she wanted to know ever since.
"What happened on the night when I got drunk?"
She kept wondering, but being in that position made her feel something, like she did before. Then it hit her, it reminded her when she wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's neck.

"Tzuyu-ahh... I l-love you." Sana wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's neck and before she knew it, Sana pulled her into a kiss.

"No way!" She screamed through her mind.
"I did not do that... did I?"
"I knew I shouldn't have drank so many." She was heavily breathing, then Tzuyu's head dropped down to Sana's shoulder. She felt more anxious than ever.

"Sana?" A voice came from the bed.
"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked.
She hesitated to speak, "I-I should be the one asking if you're okay."
"Don't worry about me I can take anything."
Sana queried as she fiddled with her hair.
"Are you sure you are okay?" Chaeyoung asked again.
She didn't want to ask, but needed to know if it was true or not.

"Can you tell me the honest truth?"
Chaeyoung nodded.
"What actually happened with me and Tzuyu on the night I got drunk?"
The short girl hesitated to answer, but like Dahyun said, 'they deserve each other'.
"You and Tzuyu kissed." She vaguely said.
"R-Really?" In her mind she thought of it, but never knew it would actually be real.

Chaeyoung nodded as she sat up, still keeping her hand under Mina's head.
"Did I... make us kiss?" Sana didn't want to ask.
"You wrapped her arms her neck and pulled her into a kiss."
Sana looked down in embarrassment, what will she do now?
Being with Tzuyu will make everything more awkward than it was before.
Tzuyu started to wake up, stretching her arms upwards.
"Yah... do you have to talk that loud?" Momo moaned as she hooked her left arm around Dahyun's back and her right arm round the front.
"Looks like the Moguri has spoken." Sana joked.
"I want to sleep some more." Dahyun started to wake up.
"You two seem comfortable with each other." Chaeyoung sniggered as both girls open their eyes wide, shocked by the fact they were on each other when they slept.
Quickly they shuffled apart from each other, awkwardly glancing at each other.
Dahyun held Momo's hand trying to act cute and all of that.

The door opened revealing three women.
"You are all awake." Jeongyeon announced.
"Except for one, but 5 out of 6 is alright." Jihyo smiled.
Momo shook Mina awake causing her to fall onto the floor.
"Wae?!" She moaned.
"Get up, it's morning. I don't want to go to school." Momo yawned.
"Well it's Winter break, so I don't think you should worry about school." Nayeon replied.

The young girls raised their eyebrows.
"I totally forgot." Tzuyu said.
The doctor came in, who was unaware about the other girls on the floor.
"Well Chaeyoung you can go home after we check on you again."
Jihyo turned to her friends, "I'll stay looking after her."
"Can I stay?" Mina asked.
Jihyo looked at Chaeyoung and she was blushing her head off.
"Of course you can."

"Let's go home." Jeongyeon demanded.
With Tzuyu who had no idea that Sana walking awkwardly next to her and that she knows what happened the night before.
Dahyun and Momo kept holding hands and occasionally Jeongyeon would scoff, but only jokingly though.
Then there was Mina and Chaeyoung who were talking to each other, the other listened very well.
As Jeongyeon and Nayeon arrived at Sana's and Momo's house (A/N- if you didn't know they lived right next to each other) Dahyun kissed Momo goodbye, the girl blushed almost looking like a tomato.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Dahyun waved as Momo was about to step into her house.
"Will do." Momo shut the door slowly.

On the other hand, Sana ran to her house— slamming her door shut. Then she ran to her bedroom and hid under covers from embarrassment.

"What just happened?" Tzuyu asked herself.
"She couldn't wait to get rid of you." Dahyun joked.
"Say that once again you little—." She stopped after Nayeon stepped in between them.
Tzuyu glared at Dahyun who was making faces at her.
"Tzuyu, stop thinking about how you're going to hurt Dahyun. Get in the car!" Nayeon honked her horn.

"Ha, that girl I swear." Dahyun let out a laugh as she got into the car.
Jeongyeon held a letter out for her.
"What's this?"
"It's a letter from your sister."
Without hesitation, Dahyun grabbed the paper out of her hand read it.

To Dahyun,

It's very beautiful here in London. We should go see it together sometimes, it's so lonely without you and the family. Again I am sorry I can't visit you in Seoul, so busy with my work abroad.
Just one day I will.

I love you Dubu.

Dahyun frowned as she saw the last part of the letter.
"Isn't it weird that she can never seem to visit me?"
"It's because of her work, you know how it is when you'll be the head of your company." Jeongyeon replied.
"Yes but, it's been 10 years. How is she that busy?"
"Some people work harder than others, she reminds me of you." Jeongyeon started the engine and drove off.
It's been 3 hours since the girls left the doctors cane in to check on Chaeyoung. Thankfully she didn't have any serious injuries and no glass shards penetrated her skin.

"Ms Son, we checked everything and you seem fine, you can leave with your girlfriend." The doctor spoke.
"G-Girlfriend?! Chaeyoung panicked as Mina, who was sitting in the chair next to her, was avoiding eye contact.
Jihyo chuckled as she whispered into his ear.
"Oh I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, forgive me." He bowed respectively as Chaeyoung got up from her bed.

They exited the hospital and something was bugging Chaeyoung for a long time.
"Since it's the Winter Break, do you want to go somewhere?" She asked Mina.
"I was actually thinking of the same thing, just don't know where."
Jihyo butted in the conversation, "You could always ask your friends."
That gave them the idea to add all of them into a group chat.

Chaeyoung 🐯: Hey you guys!

Dahyun 🦅: Woah! What's this?

Mina 🐧: It's a group chat for a trip in the Winter holiday.

Sana 🐹: Really that's cool!

Momo 🐷: Where are we going?

Mina 🐧: Chae?

Chaeyoung 🐯: Ugh...

Dahyun 🦅 : How about London?

Tzuyu 🐶: Nice pick. 👍

Sana 🐹: Yeah!

Momo 🐷: Good job babe

Dahyun 🦅: Thanks 😊

So it's settled, they are going to London.

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