33) Happiness

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"YOU WANT WHAT?!" Jeongyeon exclaimed.
"I want you two to give me an idea how to confess to someone." Jihyo desperately needed.
"You should take Jeongyeon's approach, be drunk and you'll blurt it out." Nayeon laughed as the other rolled her eyes.
"I mean you could just tell him."
"That's boring." Jihyo scoffed.
"What else could there be, you want to tell him, you tell him." Nayeon said.
They all sat down in the living room, they were so invested into Jihyo's sudden asking for advice for confessing to someone.

Jeongyeon slouched forward, trying to listen carefully and Nayeon sat straight whilst also glancing at her phone a couple times.

"You can do something special." Jeongyeon suggested.
"Like what?" They both asked in unison.
They waited for her response.
Jeongyeon smirked and took Nayeon into another room, leaving Jihyo all alone.
"Why did you take me here?"
"What did they do for their first date?" She asked.
"They went to Han River." Nayeon answered still confused what's happening.
"Okay that works."

"What are you talking about? Why was this secretive."
Jeongyeon smiled so happily, "I have a surprise at Han River."
"For who?"
Nayeon questioned her even further, yet she was still being vague.
"GUYS! I'm still waiting for that response." Jihyo's voice echoed through.
"Just keep her busy for 1 hour, I'll be will be back." Jeongyeon bolted out of the door, into her car.
"The heck! What is she doing?" Jihyo inquired.
"To be honest I don't either."
It was 12:20 and Jeongyeon was planning something.
Jeongyeon was gone for a long time, it was almost 1:20. Jihyo and Nayeon stayed in the living room and haven't moved from their seats since she left.
Like as Jeongyeon said, Nayeon had to keep her busy for one hour until something may happen. Though what could it be?

A buzz came from Jihyo's phone on the coffee table, the first thing she saw was Jeongyeon's message.
'Meet me in Han Park.'
"Now she wants to meet her in Han Park, what is she doing?" Jihyo placed her phone back in her pocket.
"I wondering that too."
They both go into Jihyo's car and accelerated off to Han Park.

In a few minutes they arrived at their destination, looking around no one was there. Even the birds weren't around, it was like everything was gone.
No boats, cars, people. What happened?
"This girl, where can she be?" Jihyo turned around in a circle a few times almost getting dizzy.
Then, Nayeon saw what was happening. She was smiling profusely, she knew she couldn't let this moment be ruined.

Jihyo was staring at her phone with her hands clawing at it, "Ugh! Where are you Jeongyeon?!"
"Maybe you should look around once more." Nayeon stepped back.
"No one's here so that means—." She stopped and gazed over to the side just to see him standing straight, with his hands in his pockets.

Namjoon and Jihyo fixated at each other, with their eyes locked in place— with their same exact expression on their faces. This mesmerising look they gave each other, both never took their eyes off each other.
Now one of them had to do something, but they were holding back and they knew it.

"You're going to stand here?" Nayeon whispered.
"I don't know if I'm ready." Jihyo whispered back still not letting her eyes off of him.
"It's either now or later." She gave a slight push which slowly made Jihyo move towards him.
As soon as she moved, he began to move.
They walked in unison, each step in time with each other's, each step grew closer, each step drew them together.

At this moment in time, they stood face to face. Awkwardly and silently the fact that they didn't talk, stared at each other became more embarrassing.
Though, one of them had to talk right now in this situation.

Jihyo's POV

What an idiot am I?
Now I'm in front of him, do something!
Ugh! Why can't I just talk?
He uttered something, but he pulled back.
Cut to the chase Jihyo... I can do this... but what if he doesn't feel the same?

No he'll understand right?
"It's nice to see you here." He began.
I didn't expect that and we both know how awkward this is, but it's my time.
I mean, if Jeongyeon did all this just make us meet again then I have to make this count. He made a move and I'll make the next one.

"I miss you!" I blurted out and immediately looked down in embarrassment.
When I looked back at him, he looked overwhelmed in some way he was smiling.
"When I broke up with you, I missed you ever since." I took another deep breath, "I know this is happening fast for me, but I'm still in love with you."

I felt his hands on my shoulder and in a second her pulled me into a hug.
"I thought I would never hear you say those words again." Namjoon sighed.
Steadily, I wrapped my arms around him.
That wasn't bad.
How did this go so well?

"What does this mean?" I asked in confusion.
We pulled apart and he smirked.
"It means I can do this."

Author's POV
Nayeon stood there in shock as she watched as the two were kissing. In amazement she couldn't believe how happy she was for Jihyo and Namjoon as they were close to begin with, she wanted them both to be happy and now they are happy together.

"My plan worked!"
Nayeon quickly her behind seeing Jeongyeon smiling like an idiot.
"You could've told me the plan." Nayeon gave her a soft punch to the arm.
"Well it did take me a long time to have everything to be perfect." Jeongyeon wrapped her arms around her.
"I hope you didn't plan this." Nayeon jerked her head forward causing the two to kiss on command. Jeongyeon gripped Nayeon tighter and with that they were placing their hands on each other's body.
Luckily no one was around, that's for sure.

This story is coming to an end wow.
It's quite long—at least for me, I really love the comments that you guys are leaving me don't worry they all don't go unnoticed.

With the works of my old books, I'm surprised and amazed how they are doing. I really thought that they were badly written (they still are and even this one is)

Just want to thank you for this amazing journey if you say.
Next book may or may not come out because my real exams are coming 😮.
Though again, thank you for the support to you all it's fascinating.

Wolflover 🐺🐺❤️❤️

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