19) London Eye

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"London eye, one of the biggest attractions." Jihyo sighed as she looked up at the magnificent wheel.
"Just 30 minutes going around in a circle." Jeongyeon shook her head.
The 6 girls went into one pod whilst the other 3 bodyguards went into another.

As the six girls continue to admire the view, in another pod the million dollar girls bodyguard's were doing the same thing. Except for one person.
"Look at her, she's touching up Tzuyu, how dare she." Nayeon scoffed as she shook her head.
"What's wrong with that?" Jeongyeon asked.
"I'm still waiting for that moment when Sana rejects her."
"Are you sure it's not about anything else?" Jihyo asked as she was listening.
Nayeon stopped and sighed.
"Is it because of your family?"
The girl nodded slowly.

"I'm afraid she'll leave me like my family did."
Jihyo went up to give her a hug, "Nayeon, I know that your parents gave your sister away and I know that Tzuyu is like your closest sister, but she is growing up, she won't be a baby anymore."
"Learn to let go I say." Jeongyeon patted her back.
The two girls comforted her, all she wants to do is to make Tzuyu happy.
"How's your plan about Dahyun?" Nayeon asked.
"Oh... right, I forgot about that, I'm going to tell her the truth."
Jihyo moved up to Jeongyeon and so did Nayeon.

They were finally on ground again, with the six girls happily smiling as they walked out. Also their bodyguards enjoyed too.
"Let's go to the London dungeons!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.
Momo, Sana and Dahyun were shaking their heads in fear.
"I'm not going in there." Sana denied.
"Come on, I'll protect you." Her lover smiled, it made her feel calm and a bit more determined.
"It's okay, me and Momo will be outside waiting for you guys." Dahyun smiled nervously.

"How about you Mina, do you want go somewhere?" Chaeyoung asked.
"I would like to go to the aquarium."
Now they were set their destinations, Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo had to split up again.
Nayeon sighed, "We have to take care of the maknaes. I'll see you guys back at the hotel."
"Jeongyeon, remember to tell her the actual truth."
Jeongyeon nodded as Jihyo told her.

"Ah wae?!" Sana tensed in fear.
"It's alright, I'll be here." Tzuyu stood closer.
'Wuss.' Nayeon thought to herself and laughed.
As they continued to walk through the 'dungeon', they walked behind the other group which was going at a slow walking speed.
They were all trapped in this big dark room, nothing could be seen just light that peered through cracks of the wall.
A large rustling sound made them jump especially Sana who clutched into Tzuyu's chest.

"I'm s-sorry." Sana stuttered as she looked up, even though she couldn't see her face.
Tzuyu smiled at her.
"I said I'll be here for you."
A glimpse of light shone over them, everyone sighed with relief.
"Sana." Tzuyu began.
She turned to her, wanting to know what she is going to say.
"When we go back to Seoul..." She paused, "I... We... It's nothing actually."
She didn't want to mention anything to her, she was scared.
Through the whole way Tzuyu held onto Sana's hand for the rest of the tour, but Tzuyu was worried more about her exposure.

Both Dahyun and Momo were in a convenient store which they were figuring out what they wanted. Inside wasn't full neither was it empty, costumers would frequently come in and out. At the side was Jeongyeon who was standing by their side.

"Too many to chose from." Momo sighed.
"All I want for Christmas is You." Dahyun sang as she heard in the background.
"Help me here, I don't know what I want." As Momo pouted, Dahyun mist chuckled.
"I know what I want... it's you."
Just cliché as it sounds, the girl rolled her eyes, but smiled in the moment.
"Hurry up, there's somewhere we need to go." Dahyun announced.
She took her hand and rushed for the door.

Dahyun dragged Momo to Big Ben which she told her sister to be here.
"Why are we here?" Momo asked.
"I told my sister that I'll meet her here." Dahyun kept looking around as she spoke.
"What does she look like?"
"It's been 10 years since I've seen her, but I'll know when I see her."

The guilt built inside Jeongyeon, she really didn't want to tell her. She will be saddened, even worse it would break her heart.
But as days past, you can't hide a secret that secret forever, she must tell her the truth. For her sake.

"Dahyun..." Jeongyeon began.
"Yes Jeongyeon?"
"You're sister isn't coming."
Dahyun paused, "Oh... did she receive the letter? Did she reply back with a letter?"
Jeongyeon breathed in heavily.
"She's not here because... she's..." Jeongyeon recovered her thoughts.
"She's dead."
Momo was taken aback, she looked at Dahyun who froze.
"What do you mean she's... d-dead?!"
"I'm sorry... she died in a car crash just a few years ago. We kept it a secret because... you were so close to her and you were young." She explained.
"And that's the reason why you kept it a secret?"
"It was Yugyeom's idea, he wanted to protect you. He never hated you, he loved you like any brother does." Jeongyeon saw that her fist clenched.

"Let's go back." Dahyun turned around.
"Dahyun I—."
"Let's go back!" As she didn't let Jeongyeon finished, they started to walk back to the hotel.

"Woah, look at all these penguins." With surprise, Mina tugged Chaeyoung's arm which cause the girl to grunt in pain.
Mina instantly let go, apologising.
"Sorry, I just love penguins."
Chaeyoung smile grew from ear to ear, "It's okay plus those penguins look as cute as you."

As shocked as the penguin was, she blushed like she did before. Yet on the other side, Jihyo with surveillance eyes, scanned through the crowd. Behind, in front basically everywhere. She's not letting anyone to hurt her, she... loves her dearly.

'I'm not letting anyone hurt her, I'm not losing you. I'm not losing another family.'

The two love birds walked out of the penguin attraction to the jellyfish.
The lights were dimmed, only the glowing colours of the jellyfish shone bright shade of each colour of the spectrum.

"This is amazing." Mina sighed.
"We could all thank Dahyun for this."
The both of them locked eyes, feeling this connection between them.
That moment was broken when Mina saw someone who she thought she knew behind Chaeyoung.


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