20) Somebody I Use To Know

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"Jimin?" Mina looked at the boy who smiled sweetly at her.
"Mina? Didn't see you there."
"I haven't seem you for a long time." Mina said.
"Well you look beautiful as ever." He chuckled.
In the distance, Chaeyoung was furious as ever.
'Why is a Park talking to her?'
Jihyo noticed her hand clenched, she stopped her immediately.
"Chae, do not react." Jihyo grabbed her fist as she relaxed.
"You can't let them see you this way."
Chaeyoung watched from afar as they talked.

Jihyo walked up to a familiar person who was Jimin's bodyguard
"Jeon Jungkook."
"Well if it isn't Park Jihyo." He smiled.
"What are you doing here?"
"Mr Park wanted to visit here for a business trip." Jungkook stated.
Jihyo shook her head as she laughed.
"Okay I know you're here to target Chaeyoung, don't lie!" She began.

Jungkook felt attacked, "What do you mean?"
"You already assaulted her once, not again." Jihyo raised her hand in a fist.
Jungkook stepped back as he was confused.
"Chaeyoung was assaulted? What? Why? How?" He tried to get answers

Something didn't add up, did he not know about the assault?
"You're not here because of Chaeyoung?" Jihyo wanted to justify.
"I'm sure and ask Jimin and he'll say the same thing, Mr Park said he was here for a business trip."
Jihyo stepped back, relaxed her hand and apologised.
"Liar." She mumbled.
Jungkook rubbed her back as she turned the opposite way.
"I'm sorry for what happened to Chaeyoung, but we're not here to hurt her."
Jihyo took a moment, 'Maybe you didn't.'
Jihyo stepped aside from the others and pulled out her phone.
"Pick up pick up." She shook impatiently.
"Jihyo?" Nayeon responded.
"There's some bad news."
"Did you get lost?"
"No, Park company are here."
There was silence on the other line.
"What do they want now?"
"The thing is the head leader's brother is here with his bodyguard, but I don't think they have anything to do with this."

"Are you saying that 'they' don't know about the situation?"
"From what Jungkook reaction, it sounds like he doesn't."
"Why are they here in the first place?"
"They said that they were here for a business trip."
"A business trip?"
"It's not a coincidence they came here for a 'business trip'."
"I'll tell Jeongyeon about this, see you back at the hotel."

Jihyo ended the call first and walked back to Chaeyoung who was standing with her arms crossed whilst Jimin and Mina were talking.
"How dare he talk to her, my enemy!" Chaeyoung raised her voice.
"Calm down Chae, he's not a part of this?" Jihyo calmed her down.
"What do you mean?"
"I spoke to his bodyguard and they seem to be unaware about the whole situation."
Chaeyoung looked at her.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"I'm sure, I know Jungkook, he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone for any reason if it was necessary."

Mina walked up to them introducing her friend.
"Chaeyoung meet Jimin, Jimin meet Chaeyoung."
"Son Chaeyoung, heir to one of the biggest companies. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person." He bowed and held out his hand.
Jihyo nodded.
Chaeyoung shook his hand and bowed respectfully in return.
"Park Jimin, next heir to the company, it's a coincidence to meet you here."

"I was wondering if you guys want to come along to see my brother?" Jimin suggested.
"Sorry, but Ms Son and Ms Myoui have to get back to their friends." Jihyo responded.
"Oh okay." He nodded to the girls and then to his bodyguard in which he waved goodbye to them.
"I assume I shouldn't let you guys wait here."
Mina waved back at him as she was confused.
"Are we in a hurry?" Mina asked.
"There's an important activity happening, we don't want you and Chaeyoung walking through crowds of people. Especially what happened." As Jihyo explained, Mina understood.

They began to walk out of the building.


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