24) Winter Wonderland

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The young girls were sitting in the restaurant as one by one they grabbed their food. Someone noticed that one of the bodyguards is missing.
"Jeongyeon, where's Jihyo?" Chaeyoung asked.
"She's gone to the Park's building." She responded as she sipped her coffee.
"To prove a point, I assume." Nayeon replied.

The girl walked back to her seat, leaving the two on their own.
It was now awkward for the both of them, Jeongyeon was still avoiding eye contact with Nayeon. Though, Nayeon didn't want this awkwardness to continue, especially that she was her friend.
"Jeongyeon can we just act normal." She began.
Jeongyeon finally looked at her with confidence.
"What do you mean... I am acting normal."
You could hear her nervous dry cough as she ended the sentence.

"I just don't want it to break our relationship."
Jeongyeon nodded along as Nayeon continued, "I'm flattered that you like me, but there's too much to handle at the moment."
She understood where she came from, though it didn't make her heart broken, she still would wait for her.
"Where are we going after lunch?" Momo asked as she stuffed food in her mouth.
"Thinking we should go to the Winter Wonderland." Dahyun answered.
Their eyes lit up with joy.
"Did you say Winter Wonderland?" Sana gasped.
"You've heard of it?" Tzuyu looked over to her.
"The three of us always wanted to go there, just to see the attractions and not to go on them." Mina explained.

Chaeyoung let out a small laugh, "So you're only there to sight see?"
"And to eat." Momo added.
No wonder.

They planned to go in the evening since all the lights will be on and it's much cooler and beautiful at night.
In hopes of this new, Jihyo came back to the room, just in time when they were about to get ready.
"Jihyo!" Someone shouted her name as she was about to walk into her room.
"Did you hear that we're going to Winter Wonderland?" Momo asked with Mina next to her.
"We are?" Jihyo looked confused.
"Yeah, we're just telling since you weren't at the restaurant."
"Oh thank you." She proceeded to walk inside. Only one girl felt something off.
"Jihyo, what happened?" Nayeon walked over to her.
"It was useless, he still wouldn't change. Not surprised because of that prick!" Jihyo grabbed something from her pocket and revealed a small box which she threw across the room breaking the top.
Nayeon made Jihyo calm down as she sat her down by her bed.

Jeongyeon picked up the half broken box, inside was a necklace with the letter 'P' onto it.
She didn't want to look at it more as it was precious to Jihyo, so she wanted to give it to her, but she shook her head.
"Keep it... I don't want it anymore."
Jeongyeon hid the box away in her pocket.
"Get ready, we're leaving in a few hours."
As they took the Piccadilly line to their destination, immediately they saw a giant Ferris wheel over shadowing the whole amusement park.
They carried to walk inside without security body checking since they were VIP.

The girls started to go to the stands and each paying to play.
With Mina and Chaeyoung, they were trying out the shooting gallery— hit the target with one shot. The short girl went first and already she missed within the first shot.
"Dammit, I missed." Chaeyoung pouted.
Mina chuckled.

Then Mina gave it a try. She steadily held the gun in the right position with the aim sight directly on the bullseye. One pull and... she made it, she had a good eye.
"Woah... y-you did it?"
"Did you think I would miss?" Mina raised one eyebrow.
"N-No, I meant that was impressive."
Chaeyoung let her pick a big toy, to her surprise she picked the big snow tiger plushy.

Jihyo shook her head.
"We're lucky that we're taking a limo home." She whispered to herself.
"Jihyo would you mind?" Chaeyoung handed her the plushy over.
"The struggle is real." She sighed.

Dahyun and Momo were at the ring toss game.
"This game is rigged." Dahyun scoffed.
"Why so?" Momo questioned.
Dahyun brought Momo closer to her and pointed at the bottles.
"You see those, they have a small surface for the rings to stay so most of the time it will bounce out."
"So does it mean it's impossible?"
"Not exactly, there's some rules that someone told me."
Dahyun payed and started to play, they gave her a bucket full of rings.

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