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Emily sighed as she stood in front of the mirror. She pulled her blonde hair into a bun and sighed. She was returning to work for the first time. Emily was nervous as she didn’t want to have Leah hate her. Iain walked into the room as he held calleigh. He looked to Emily and smiled. He walked over to her and placed his hand on her waist and kissed her “you will be fine em, you are a great doctor" Iain said as she turned to face him. She smiled to him and looked calleigh who lay babbling away “is she okay?” Emily asked as she looked to calleigh. Iain looked to her and smiled “she's fine, she’s like  a her daddy, she's been feed by boobs, which I didn’t get. She's washed and all cleaned and ready for her first day at the crèche. Are you princess?” Iain said as he looked down at calleigh who looked to him and smiled as Emily chuckled as she walked past him “if you behave, you can have boobs for supper” she said as he smirked to her. He placed a hand on her arm and smiled “I know what your thinking, but it will be fine. Leah won’t hate you, trust me" he said as she kissed her forehead causing her to smile to him. She hoped he was right as she didn’t want to loose her sister.


Emily stood from the car as she got to work. She saw Leah with Alexa and sighed as Iain looked to her as he grabbed calleigh from the back of the car. He looked to her and smiled “Leah doesn’t hate you, look I’ll take little madam to the crèche while you go and talk to your sister" he said as she smiled. She walked over to him and placed a hand on his cheek “your amazing, thank you" she said as she kissed him. Emily walked into the ED as she saw Leah who was talking with Connie. Connie looked to them and smiled “aww, where’s my granddaughter?” she asked as she took calleigh from Iain as Emily rolled her eyes as she looked to Leah and smiled “Can we talk?” she asked Leah who smiled to her “sure”

Emily and Leah walked into the staffroom. Emily looked to Leah and smiled “I know that I should of told you of my history with Sam, but I was scared. Sam and I weren’t anything serious and it ruined the relationship i had with my mother at the time. I saw how he treated you and i could tell that you were happy, and i didn’t want to ruin it, especially by bringing it up. I’m sorry" Emily said as Leah smiled to her “it’s okay, I don’t hate you, I’m mad at him for not saying anything. I asked him over his past relationships and he just lied to me. It’s not your fault" Leah said to her as Emily smiled.


Later that day. Emily walked into the ambulance bay and smiled as she looked to Iain. He smirked as he saw her “you look like crap” he said as she rolled her eyes at him “please, I’m amazing. Besides I still look hotter that you” she teased as he smirked at her “I won’t argue with you there, my hot fiancée" he said as he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him and leant on and kissed her. As he wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her and smirked “What do you say we get calleigh and go home?” she asked as he nodded “you know that I l or you more than anything right?” he asked as he rested a hand in her cheek as she nodded “that’s why I think we should get married as soon as we can" he said as she looked to him and smirked “okay, let’s do it" she said as he smirked and pulled her close and kissed her.

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