Virgil (Ch.3)

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"Ok...then. My first question is... Who the heck is this?" Thomas waves his hand over Deceit. I thought that Thomas would have been able to recognize him. Even if not at first, After all, Deceit is one of his sides. I know that he really only met him a bit ago but Deceits been around for so long. He's the same age as Roman. They're practically twins. So I just thought... Slow down Virgil, you can't be doing this. Stop focusing on things that are not important right now. You will cross that bridge when you get there.

"D... It's up to you." Deceit looked over at me in surprise. Did he think I was just going to say it? If it will be easier for them to open up by not knowing then... I will accept it. Despite the immense anxiety of the idea of lying to Thomas. "If it will make you feel better then..."

"It's ok. I can just call you whatever you prefer. You can tell me your name when you're ready." Thomas was just sitting patiently waiting for answer an. Deceit was struggling to figure out what to say. He would open his mouth but close it shortly after. I began to give up. I'm not forcing him to talk, after all the fact that he's not talking means he respects me enough not to lie. He's just not the type of person to talk openly about himself or anyone. I guess I should have realized how much this would affect him. I mean I planned for a breakdown but I never even thought he just wouldn't talk. I just assumed he would lie through his teeth until he finally felt he could be honest. As much as I hate lying, I understand him. I just didn't what him lying to get out of talking. And not when it's just us. I'm so frustrated, It like taking care of a child. Wait, no... I like taking care of a younger me. I never thought of just how much work Patton did.

"Let get past this f-for now ok? Thomas?" I looked over as I asked him and he seemed to understand. 

"Ok, then I guess. Virgil?"

"Yes, Thomas?"

"What's going on?" Thomas looked at the floor. I could feel his worry. We all could but this was something different. I didn't understand why he was worried. There really wasn't a reason for it. "What's going on with you?"

"I don't know what you mean." Thomas got up and started pacing, while Deceit just kinda sat back observing everything.

"Before you left with Deceit. Things... were said. They seemed to upset you." Wait, I thought I was ok. I thought I stopped in time. I thought Logan was able to warn me in time. I thought I hid the slip-up. Was I wrong? Did Thomas see? Did Thomas see my illusion crack? "You seemed more aggressive than usual and the others seemed afraid almost."

"They weren't afraid." They both just the stared at me. I looked over at Deceit who just looked concerned. They weren't afraid. They weren't. I mean sure, I have powerful magic. And... It tends to go out of control when I'm upset. But Magic is damn near non-existent in the real world. That illusion is the only thing I am able to do. They must know that. Right? "They weren't afraid. They weren't."

"Virgil, I didn't mean."

"They know that... I couldn't... I thought..." My chest started to burn and the head began to ache. I started to lose myself in the worry. It's been 8 months since they found out. 8 months since the day they accepted me. They wouldn't just...

"Virgil, please. What are you not telling me?" By now Deceit had put himself into a corner farthest from everything. He knew what could happen. He was trying to get Thomas to back up as well but it was not working. And it only made Thomas more concerned. 

I don't know what I to say. I could be honest like I wanted to start being, but then Thomas could hate me, and not only me but the others as well for their magik. He could think I'm insane. He could think he's insane because I'm one of his sides. What if Thomas can't handle it so he stops talking to us. That would devastate everyone. But... If I don't tell him he could find out eventually anyway and everything I said before could still happen. he could hate me for not being honest in the first place. He might not even find out, but still, know there's something I'm not telling him and hate me for that. but... He also might not even be asking about that. He could be asking about something entirely different, and I just jumped to assuming it was about that. 

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