Virgil (Ch.11)

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I walked around the garden lost in thought.  It's been two weeks since I first got here and there has been no sign of the other sides. Did they not know where I was? Did they know where I was and just not care? Did they care but not have any way of coming? Did the even know I was gone? Was Deceit ok? Marcos promised me that the connection between the nightmare and Deceit had been broken, but that doesn't mean he's ok. Why am I even still here? He's not keeping me, prisoner. In fact its the opposite, he's treating me like... like a...

"Prince Virgil?" I turned to see a young woman holding a flower basket. She had a maids uniform on and was bowing. I am not used to this treatment. It's making me uncomfortable if I am being honest. "Lord Marcos wishes to see you in the study."

"Did he say why?" The woman shook her head and stopped bowing.

"No, my lord, I am afraid he did not."

"Don't worry I'm sure it isn't bad." I am really uncomfortable. I haven't been here since I turned 3. I have no memories of this place or its people. I didn't even know the Hollow had people. Apparently, It did. It had an entire kingdoms worth of people. In fact, it was a Kindom, separate from the mind space as a whole.  

"Yes My lord. If you excuse me, I must get back to tending the garden."

"Yes, of course. You go ahead." She bowed again and went on her way. I hesitated a bit but turned toward the castle and headed to the study. Two weeks I've been here and it just seems so, I don't know how to explain it. I still find it ironic that the son of the dragon-witch was marked to be a sanders side. The boy made from nightmares, Thomas's Anxiety. Ha, It still makes me laugh.

Walking down the hallway I got a sense of wonder. Something I haven't felt in a while. All these portraits royal before us. Plaques with names I never heard of and stories I was never told. This was my family. A family I never got the chance to meet. A family I was way too young to remember. Every single one of them dead. Died in the Sacred War, the war between the mind space and the Hollow. While they fought, I was growing up in the mind palace unaware they even existed. While they died, I was wallowing in self-pity and regret. I can't deny that part of me that longs for revenge. The part that wants to avenge my people. The part that belongs here.

But that isn't me... I am Virgil Sander, Thomas anxiety, Patton's son, Logan and Deceits brother. I belong there... Right? The door to the study bursts open as Marcos walks through.

"You're here, Great!" A smile formed on his lips as he grabbed my arm and dragged me in.

"Uh, Marcos, what's all this?" I looked around the room to see he went all out. He cleaned the whole room from top to bottom, got rid of all the cobwebs, and even got my father's portrait touched up. The dull gray curtains were changed to more lavender ones and the dusty brown carpet was changed to a brand new black one. the desk was dusted and restained and the office chair was swapped with a brand new office chair.

"It's your office now and you deserve something better than the mess it was before."

"It was a mess because no one was alive to use it. And when did I say I accepted your offer." Marcos just kept smiling as he led me in front of my father's portrait.

"Whether you accept my offer or not this is all still yours. It's your birthright. No one can change that not even you." He took my hand and it closes, looking at the ground before finally looking me in the eyes. "Look I understand how you feel, and If you really want to go then I won't stop you. In fact, I will even take back myself. I just hoped you would love this kingdom just as much as I do. Just as much as I love you."

"That won't be necessary. It's been two weeks. If they haven't come yet then... There's no point in rushing. I'm sure they will understand."

"That's why you belong here, and why you have that." He taps the crown on my head and laughs as it falls in front of my eyes. It was a little big and it went around my forehead. I sighed and repositioned it back to where I had it. Marcos turned and grabbed something off of the desk, handing it to me.

"It was your fathers." He says as I open it to reveal a sword and sheath. I pulled the sword out of its resting place and marveled over it. The blade was ornate and freshly sharpened, the silver contrasting against the hilt. Its hilt was golden with a giant purple gem placed at the bottom. "The gem that was originally there was taken after your father's death and given to the man who killed him. I'm am unsure as to why but I assume as a sort of trophy. I know how much he liked purple so I had someone fit one for it."

"How did you get this? How do you know all this?" I held the sword out in front of me, pointed away from me. My eyes full of wonder.

"After what happened, I spend the next two years learning everything I could. Retreating everything I could, for you. After all, It all falls to you now."

"That's a lot of pressure. Even if I stayed here, I can't rule, I'm no prince. I'm definitely no king. I'd fail faster than Roman trying to be humble, or Patton trying to be mean."

"You are kind, brave, caring, careful, smart, and strong. Yes, you are Anxiety, but you were never just that. You were and still are so much more. You are the man I fell in love with." He wrapped me in his arms and held me close. He lifted my head with his finger until I was looking into his eyes. He leaned in and kissed me, making me melt like I did so long ago. "You are more than qualified. You're already the loved by so many. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to be yourself. You'll be a fine royal."

"Maybe... I will... be..."

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