Roman (Ch.19) <The End>

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"Hello... ROMAN" His voice glitched louder than it ever has before. Patton tried to run ahead of me but held out my hand to stop him. This wasn't Virgil. The real him anyway. I don't care what that freak says... This isn't the real him. He's... "What you don't like what you see? Do I remind you of someone? Someone you've killed perhaps?"

"Stop this V!" Deceit ran in front of me. I was just in shock. He can't be... That would mean I killed his father. That would mean... Oh God...

"Stop what exactly? Stop being angry? How long have you known about my father? How long have you known the truth about me? I mean I found out in the vale, but you knew before that. You let me believe I belonged with them. You let me believe the man I loved actually gave a shit about me..."

"He does! If this is about that night, you should have just stayed..."

"STAYED? and ruin your perfectly happy birthday. What kind of a monster do you think I am?" He coated everything he said with a think layer of sarcasm, while he and Deceit just went at it.  I wasn't even hearing anything anymore.

"Virgil you are not a monster. Just because your father was... Doesn't mean shit for you. Maybe if you stopped taking everything in and letting it fester maybe you would see that."

"Oh you mean like you do." Deceit took a step back as Virgils Eyes began to glow. I never saw Virgil's eyes do that. "Each and every one of you, are just as fucked up as me. Patton your clinically depressed and internalize EVERYTHING because you're too afraid to let people see you cry. Logan feels far stronger the literal embodiment of feeling but yet can't understand them. You put on a mask and pretend to be a god damn robot. Roman, you are the worst at pretending to care. And considering your an Actor. You play the part of the brave and kind prince but your nothing but ass who just wants to feel better about himself. And do I really need to say anything about you Deceit are you just going to..."

"You Virgil are weak. You hide yourself behind the image of a bad guy but inside your still a child. You cling to people and push yourself upon them until the mere thought of you leaving breaks them into pieces." Deceit had had enough. I watched as Virgil's smile died and as he started walking towards Deceit. "Then you pull this act so they feel guilty that you left. Oh, poor Virgil got his feelings hurt. Poor Virgil couldn't take the constant anxiety of whether anybody actually gives a fuck. Well, guess what, We actually give a fuck. Otherwise, none of us would be here right now. But you're to stuck up your boy toy's ass to see that. To blind to see the man you actually love standing right in fro..."

Virgil raised his hand and hit Deceit across his face sending him flying without even the slightest touch. Virgil's face was blank not even a ghost of an emotion. However just before Deceit hit the wall I saw something In Virgil's eyes. Virgil summoned a giant pillow and Deceit landed in it without getting hurt. Then it was back to being emotionless. What is going on with you Virgil?

"Does anyone else have something to say?" Patton once again tried to run to his son but Logan grabbed him and held him back. I just stood there. What do I say? What do I do to get you to see? How do I get my Virgil back?

"So is this your way of saying you're done?" Thomas stepped closer, he... Well, he looked pissed. His hair and eyes went rainbow and the look he gave Virgil could stop a heart. "Is this your way of saying goodbye, because it's a pretty fucking shitty if you ask me."

"Look who decided to power up. What are you going to do Thomas? Shoot rainbows from your eyes, confetti from your hands."

"I think you'll find that you wish that's all I could do. You forget... This is my fucking mind." All of a sudden the ground started shaking. All the other people, including Marcos, froze in place as time around us stopped. Thomas raised his hand and a ball of light appeared in front of it. He then whipped his hand to the side and the ball flew straight for the wall obliterating it on impact. Thomas was hidden badass. And Patton is going to have a very stern talking to him about him swearing.

"Like that's going to scare me. I don't think you've noticed but I'm not exactly the same little anxiety you used to tease. Since coming here I haven't felt even the smallest hint of anxiety. I feel great, the best I ever have..."

"That isn't you. That's the dark power you've surrounded yourself with." I looked Virgil right into his eyes as I spoke."What did you think it would do> Did you think it would hurt, shrivel you up until you were nothing but a ball of evil? NO, It makes you feel on top of the world. Like nothing can ever bring you down. But at the end of it all, it's still killing you. It corrupting you until you are no longer there. Virgil this isn't you."

"How would you know? Roman, you never paid me any attention until last year with the whole base attack. And even then you had to be the hero. After that, you all were too terrified to even look at me and god forbid I got angry."

"Virgil, you were the only thing I paid attention to." 

"Yeah name one time."

"You never have maple syrup on your pancakes, you put chocolate sauce, although I have no Idea why. Every morning you would blast the same song, which was annoying at first but it was your favorite one so it never really mattered. You have 7 different shades of black eyeshadow and one very dark purple that you wear only on specail occasions. You have this look you always give Patton whenever he makes a pun, which I know you love. 

"Well, I said one thing but..."

"I am not done yet. Virgil, You are the most important thing to me. When you left I died inside. I ran into war just so that I could feel something. When you came back,  I hated myself every time I said something because of that look in your eyes. When that whole base crap happened I was so terrified I would loos you again and I swore I would never let that happen again." 

"Jesus Princey..."

"VIRGIL LET ME TALK! I spent the last two months in freak out mode trying to figure out how to save you. I've been killing myself over and over again. Without you I am nothing. I wasn't before and I know for damn sure I am not now. I die every time you hurt. I want nothing more than to take it all away. Virgil, I. am. in. love with you. I have been for a long time now." There it was again that flash in his eyes. He just turned, walked over to the doors, and opened them.

"Well then, I'm afraid that tiny glass heart of your... will remain shattered. Because I am never going back. Now get out before I change my mind. And don't forget to return everyone back to normal time." I just stood there frozen. I poured my heart out and nothing. "NOW!!"

"Fine goodbye Virgil."

AN~ book 3? yes, no, maybe?

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