Virgil (ch.8)

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When I opened my eyes again I was in this large bedroom. It quiet regal looking and I didn't recognize it at all. I pulled the ornate white and gold blankets off of me and got out of the bed. The room itself was pretty light in color. The walls were a light gray and the window and bed curtains were a lavender. The beautiful and very soft lavender carpet contrasted against the darkly stained wooden flooring. The walls were adorned with ornate golden photo frames filled with painting I did recognize. They were all mine.

"Do you like it. I work very hard to make it appealing. I never like how you surrounded yourself in such... darkness." That wasn't in my head. I froze in place, unable to move even the slightest bit. My illusion wasn't even up because I had been asleep. How is this even possible?


"I told you I would find you. Your magik is potent it doesn't take much to trace it." My attack... He found me because I had an attack and my magik went out of control. Is that how he knew where my house was, because of all my attacks there. "Sweetheart, why don't you look at me?"

"Look at you? You're supposed to be dead. Killed by nightmares that attacked the northern base." I turned around to see the man that broke my heart so long ago. His curly brown hair now darker and his eyes now pure black. He looked so different but not at the same time. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his tan cheek. He pushed his head farther into my palm, while his smile grew at the touch. "How is this possible?"

"When nightmares attacked I accepted my fate to die there. I told Elphie to go ahead with the others, but there were still people to help, so went back for them." I still couldn't believe that he was standing right here in front of me. My mind was racing as it took in all this new information. Did Emma know about this? Probably? Not that I blame her for not telling me. I wouldn't have told myself either if I knew. If that made any sense. "The nightmares caught up and charmed me. I thought I was lost. They kept showing me this vision of you. The REAL you. At first, I was frightened but... How can I love someone so much but hate what they really are?"

"I don't understand?"I dropped my hand and just stood there looking dazed.

"Draak, I watched you become who you were meant to be, many times over. I watched the darkness that you spread throughout the mainspace grow and change everything it touched. I watched the man I love, fulfill his destiny and achieve his full potential. And suddenly, What I was seeing wasn't frightening. It was enlightening and it made me proud. The darkness that had control over me lost and soon I had control over it."

"What do you mean you had control over it? I'm still kind of trying to wrap my head around you being alive." He just smiled and walked me over to the window. He pulled back the curtains to reveal, absolute beauty.

"I knew you would love it."

"This is..."

"The putrid void, only known as... The Hollow." I couldn't stop looking. There was just so much color. The lush green grass. The crystal clear blue sky and the rainbow of flowers that littered the fields as far as the eye can see. It was nothing like what that nightmare showed me. That was dark cold and tainted. This was...

"It's so beautiful. How?"

"This was always how it looked. It was just hidden behind that dark tainted valley that surrounded it." Valley? I looked back at him with wonder and confusion. I look down at the ground and walk over to the bed, sitting as soon as I get close enough. This is all too much. All too weird and all too confusing.

"Why did you bring me here?" Marcos walked back over, grabbed my hand, and led me out of the room. We went down so many flights of stairs, that I got lost so fast. He pulled me into this big room with black knight armor lining the walls like an army of guards. He led me to the back where a black throne sat front and center, a single black crown sitting in it. The crown looked like twigs looping and twisting around each other. 

"This is where you belong Draak. Your father would never have wanted you to go off and join the Sides."

"My father is dead."

"At Romans hand." What... No, that isn't possible. Roman couldn't have possibly killed my father. "You were just a child when a mage stole you away. Your father waged a war to get you back and he paid the price for it."

"And How could you possibly know what happened." He just tapped his head and smiled.

"The nightmares told me." I can't... What is going on?

"Roman wouldn't have... I mean he couldn't have killed my father. It's not..."

"How do you think he got knighted?" My heart plummeted. I never knew my father. I was far too young to remember him, but he was still my father. "He was knighted because he killed the dreaded Dragon Witch. He even made a joke about it in one of Thomas's videos."

I grabbed a hold of Marcos as my body went weak. I never even stopped to consider that possibility. When he made that joke, I thought he was just making fun or just I don't know. I didn't think he actually killed him. My father, the horrible and disastrous Dragon Witch, King of the hollowed and nightmarish, the dreaded  Alphons Hardy, killed by... Princey!

"And once he finds out the truth, He'll do the same to you. I'm sure of it. Your the heir to the hollowed throne, the only one who can control the nightmares."

"You've been doing such a great job without me though." Sarcasm, My default state when I had enough. He may have killed my father but, there is no way Roman would kill me just because of that... Right? RIGHT!?

"You call that control? Hardly, I'm merely a temporary stand in as a general. I'm no Alfa. I am certainly no King. Not to them anyway." He grabbed my hand again and lead me to the throne. He took the crown off and sat me down. He then knelt down beside me with a big smile on his face. "I know where I belong. Just like I know where you belong. You belong on this throne, and I belong at your side. Forever and always." He placed the crown on my head and returned to kneeling, head down bowing to me with more respect then I have ever been given in my life.

"Forever and Always..." I just sat there as the sound of my glitching voice spread throughout the entire castle.

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