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Walking into my old home was difficult. It was like a slap in my face. Evidence of the life I left behind. Deceit just followed silently behind me. I don't know how I talked him into going my way but I figured if we used the Mind palace rooms we could get to the Eastern base sooner. I also thought I could do something for Roman. That and I had a feeling that Deceit doesn't like leaving his home. The sooner we get back there the better for him. 

"You know... we, uh... That guy... shit." 

"Don't push yourself. Be you and I'll understand." Deceit raised his eyebrow, as I unlocked my front door.

"How?" I looked back at him is confusion.

"By taking what you say as the complete opposite of what you mean." Deceit just nodded and followed me in. As expected everything was a mess but I didn't feel like doing anything about it. I wasn't here to came back anyway. I got up the stair into my bedroom and I paused. The door to the palace was open. Wide open in fact, with streamer coming down, like some god damn, rainbow waterfall.

"I hate it." We both said it at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing. He's a lot different than what I thought he was going to be.  I saw Patton run past and I reactively threw my arms up creating an illusion in front of us, so that no one could see us.

"Who was that?" I look over at Deceit who now looked completely different. I yelled and jumped over into one of my nightstands, dropping my illusion. "What?"

"Sorry you, uh. Wasn't expecting you to..."

"Who are you?" I turn to see Patton standing in front of the door. I hadn't even heard him come back. He must have heard me yell. I started to freak out. My head started to swim and my breathing became erratic. It wasn't long before I felt arms go around me. It wasn't the same as Roman's but it still felt like home. Dad...

"It's ok, you don't have to say anything." Pat sat me down on my bed and slowly let go. He still stayed close, however. I looked over at Deceit, who had a small smirk on his face. I think he understood because he cleared his throat getting Patton's attention. I have no clue If he knows it's me but I hope not. It's too late to change how I look now that he's seen me and I don't want to hurt him when I leave.

"My dear friend and I are on our way to the Vale's eastern base. We wanted to stop by and wish Prince Roman a happy birthday as well as congratulations on such a momentous occasion. You must be so proud of him for being knighted." Wow... He was good. Patton beamed and started going off about Roman and how lucky he was for a son like him. I cringed at the last one. A son like Roman... The type of son that makes you forget all about a son like me. I wouldn't even be considered a son. I ran away after all. 

"Oh my gosh, I just realized we could use your help. Roman stepped out a bit ago and Logans got his hands full with everything. If you could go help him that would be so grand." I could see Deceit cringe at the thought. Not of helping Patton, but at being around more people. I don't really think he likes crowds. I completely understand, neither do I.

"Uh, Patton, we should prob.."

"No, it's fine. I would love to help in any way I can." Deceit said before I could finish. I could see the strain in him, after saying it.  Patton put his arm around me and squealed.

"Thank you so much, I'm sure Logan is out in the kitchen... It shouldn't be too hard to find." Deceit just nodded and walked out of the room. Patton slowly put his arm down and his smile faded.  "Eastern base huh, That's pretty far away." 

"I wouldn't really know. I've never been." 

"How have you been." I look at him with shock. I didn't think he recognized me. Sure I was anxious about it but... Roman never realized so I just... I don't even know how to answer that question. " Ok let's start with where have you been."

My thoughts wandered back to the western base. Back to Elphie and Bast. Back to Marcos. I felt as tears fell. How could he do that? How could he tell me he loves me and then break up with me in the same breath? How can he use destiny as a reason to break up with me and still have the gall to look me in the eyes? How could he treat me like the light of his life in the morning only to shatter me like glass in the afternoon?

"Kiddo whats wrong?" I just shook my head and buried my head into him. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to hear about how it was my fault. Or even that it wasn't. I don't want to hear how they missed me and that I should never have left. Or that they didn't and I should never have come back. I didn't want to explain how I was, where I was, or why I left. I just wanted to cry. 

After a few minutes, I could hear Patton snoring away. I slowly got up, trying hard not to wake him up. Maybe He'll think it was a dream. I took the old blanket he got me for my 9th birthday, placed it on him, and left. I put up an illusion, walked right into the kitchen, and pulled Deceit away, while no one was looking. When we got to Roman's room, I let my illusion down.  According to the rumor, Romans room is right on the eastern border.

"Let's get this done and get out of here." I said as I walked into Romans room, not even daring to look back.

Shattered~ BroKen Book 2Where stories live. Discover now