Virgil (Ch.17) <1>

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I walked away from the window and put on my favorite prince outfit I saved for the party (Refer to picture above for Virgil and Thomas). I stood hidden behind a giant velvet curtain, looking out on the room filled with people I didn't know. Normally I would in the middle of a panic attack right now but... I feel fine. More than fine, I feel great. Ever since I made my decision, I haven't felt any anxiety, or depression, or sadness. I feel pride in myself. I feel energized. I feel powerful.

I was wrong... You can be a prince and be the bad guy. And it feels great!

"Hun are you ready?" I look over at Marcos standing there, handsome as ever in his suit. I nodded and he walked out into the big room straight to the center. That's when I saw them, all five of them. 

"Showtime!" I whisper to myself as Marcos draws in the crowd.

"First I would love to express my gratitude for all of you showing up. I had tried to keep it small but..." He made a face and everyone laughed. My mind went to the time Roman was introducing himself to the western base. They are so much alike... I guess I have a type. "Anyway, I sure as stunning as I am, you didn't come for me." Yep definitely have a type. "Well, I am very new at this so don't it to me." Another face another bout of laughter. The others just stood in the crowd staring with apprehension. Patton, however, did seem to be enjoying the show. He never could hate anyone. Poor Patton going to have his heart broken.

"Where is he, Marcos?" I knew he couldn't hold his tongue. Now the real party can begin. The spotlights moved from Marcos to Roman as the crowd parted to reveal the whole group. 

"Roman Sanders! Oh, it's so nice of you to join in the fun. And by that I mean it isn't." The entire crowd stepped even farther away as fear radiated from them all. This was the man that killed their king after all.

"Sorry to rain on your parade. I came for Virgil."

"Virgil? As in Virgil Sanders? I'm sorry but... He's no longer here." I watched Marcos get his psycho smile as the others tensed up.

"I thought I was the deceitful one." Deceit said as he pulled Thomas behind him. Logan did the same with Patton, while Roman stood in front of them all. He was pissed.

"Where is VIRGIL!" Marcos' smile dropped and he walked right up to Roman grabbing him by the collar and pulling him in closer.

"You don't have the right to utter his name. You don't have the right to even set foot in this castle after what you did." Roman grabbed Marcos' wrist and twisted until he was free from Marcos' grip.

"And just what did I do?"

"Well for starters you did kill the previous king." Marcos put his arms out is a suggestive and cocky style, dancing away as the crowd visibly got angrier.

"Well, If you had someone chocking the life out of you spewing nonsense about a stolen son then you would have done it too. Don't deny it." He really did kill my father...

"Oh, I wouldn't deny it. Except it wasn't nonsense." Roman's guard dropped and the others backed away as the crowd got closer.

"What do you mean?"

"His son really was stolen. Not by you, I suppose but your still part of the blame. You all are. You..." Marcos stops and points at Thomas. "You most of all."

"How does Thomas have anything to do with the Dragon Witches stolen son? ANd Where is Virgil?"

"BACK WHERE HE BELONGS." The Crowd roared and Deceit glanced around. He was looking for me. I lifted my head to the sky and took a deep breath. I was excited, I don't fully know why but this... this was going to be a beautiful chaos.

"He belongs with us." Another step by the crowd. Roman was pissing them off. I still don't understand why he hasn't pieced it together yet.

"I just want to see my son again." Dad... you should have just stayed quiet... 

"YOUR SON? YOUR SON. Oh, my dear Patton, He was never your son. You don't even know the real him. "

"And you do?" Logan to dad's rescue. Marcos smile and Jumps up onto the podium with the throne and bowed.

"Let give you the best introduction I can." Here we go. The light turned off and everything is plunged into darkness. Then he snapped his fingers and the spotlight went to him. I'll give him this he can be very dramatic.

"Such a drama queen..." I whispered and I left the curtain. Everyone was so focused on Marcos, that know even saw me. I walked all the way behind the others, staying as silent as the air itself. Marcos' smile died and he usual chipper dramatic voice went cold and callous.

"You know him as Virgi Sanders, Anxiety. You're wrong, or well... not complete. You see his real name, titles and all are... Draak, Dragon of the western base, Wicked Witch of the vale, Thomas' Anxiety, Prince of Nightmares, Heir to the Hallowed Kingdom, Future king, and son of the Dragon witch, His royal highness... VIRGIL HARDY!" Marcos bowed and the crowd clapped. The other gasped in shock while Roman stood there in disbelief.

"Y-Your wrong, You have to be... He can't be..." Marcos smiled as I began to shake in anger. What's wrong Roman do you not like the real me? Did I not match your expectations? My anger boiled over and forced my typical illusion down. I was done hiding who I was. To hell with those who don't like it, this is who I am. The evil Prince Virgil Hardy. Take a good fucking look everyone. 

"Well, if you don't believe me... ask him yourself." Marcos looked over at me and smiled. Roman just slowly turned himself around as the others ran behind him upon seeing me. There right to be scared. I'm a fucking monster. A god damn nightmare in human form. 

"Hello... ROMAN"

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