Patton (Ch.4)

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"What's going on? Where's Virgil and that other guy? Someone, please tell me, what's going on?" We just passed the kitchen when I heard Virgil yell for Deceit. My son over there the nightmares AGAIN. And there's nothing I can do right now. We have to get Thomas out of here. Which is harder when he refuses to return to the real world.

"Thomas please? We will tell you when later, but right now we need to get out of here." Roman cry out as he runs past sword in hand. I thought he stayed behind to help. There's too much going on. How did the nightmares get here? How did they find this place? Where did they come from? Why is it always my son?

"Patton!" I felt a pair of arms go around me. I hadn't even realized we had made it outside. I took a deep breath as a wash of calm surrounded me. The smell of the Earth making the calm more intense. I melted into his arms as he and I sat on the ground. Roman was guarding the door and Thomas was standing as far as he would allow himself to go without the others. Logan just sat there with me as the ground around us softened and air cooled. It was as if the element want to help me just as much as he did. 

"Thank you." I closed my eyes and listened to the soft sound of his heartbeat. I leaned further into him until he was practically cradling me. My cardigan laying in the dirt as Logan started humming quietly to himself. I didn't even know he did that. It was nice. But just as quickly as the chaos ended it was back. A loud crashing sound rang overhead and glass was just falling from the sky.

"Virgil!" Thomas screamed and threw his hands in the air. Next thing I know my sons were suspended in air. 

"What's going on?" It was all I managed to say. I didn't know what happened, last time I knew none of us could do this. I called out to them but they didn't move. Like at all, which scared me so much. I don't know what type of magic is going on. I don't know if they are even ok. Is there even air?

"C-can someone -p-please j-just get them d-down?" I looked over at Thomas who was speaking through his teeth. His hands were still raised in the air. The other two were in front trying to figure a way to get them down, but Thomas, who was freaking out not 2 minutes ago, refused to move.

"Thomas?" He winced in pain and the two in the air dipped lower. Roman started screaming trying to create all these things, he wasn't quite thinking straight. Logan ran back inside to distract while we helped the other two. It was obvious. Wasn't it?

"Roman enough!" Roman whipped around about ready to chew my ear out, but as soon as he saw Thomas he stopped short. I put my hand on Thomas's shoulder and immediately felt his physical pain. He winced again and his hands drop. Virgil yells and I whip my hand out towards them, throwing one of the seeds I always have as it sprouts. It grew into a giant flower catching the boys just before they hit the ground. Don't ask why I didn't do that first but I wasn't really thinking straight. Logan came out not too long after yelling about how they were gone. Well, that and the that the castle is completely destroyed.

Thomas ran up to the boys just Virgil started to get up of the flower. I only now just realized he didn't have his illusion up. It didn't seem to upset Thomas though. He ran right up and pulled Virgil right into a hug. That was until he notices the other "Thomas" on the flower. Wait why is there another Thomas? and... Deceit! Omg! I can't believe we didn't look for Deceit. What if he's hurt? What if the nightmares got him? 

"Why is there another me? Can someone at least answer that? And wheres that other guy? ANd what about..."

"S-sorry I-I c-couldn't help y-you V." Virgil just sighed and knelt on the ground. He put his hands on the other Thomas's and held them tightly. Whoever it is, Virgil cared a lot for them. 

"Don't worry D. You helped plenty. Try to sleep now." The other Thomas started shaking. It was terrible. It was like he was in physical pain, or a nightmare, or both. He started crying out and I could see as Virgil started to tense up. He was getting upset. "Roman."

He didn't say anything. Roman just walked up to Virgil and knelt down beside him. Virgil just looked at him and nodded. Roman then took the other Thomas's hands from Virgil, who then stood up and walked away. 

"You need to sleep ok? Those bad dream won't hurt you. All you have to do is follow. Follow the feeling and let yourself drift off..."

"B-but w-what if... I-I can't..." The other Thomas spoke with barely a whisper. The rest of us stayed as silent as we could. We didn't want to bother anyone and honestly, it's the first time any of us saw Romans magic. Besides the summoning of things.

"Shh. It's fine. The bad things are gone. You're safe. Virgil is safe. Thomas is safe. We are all safe..." Except for Deceit, we have no clue where he is. "You need to heal, you need to sleep. It's ok to follow that dark deep feeling into slumber." Roman's voice started to change. Almost hypnotic, but not. It was rich and dreamy, it made you want to listen to him speak forever. It was similar to how Virgil's voice changes by warping itself. 

"I-I'm s-scared..." Virgil started shaking as he stood beside me. The raw emotion in those words could break the gods themselves. I could see how much Virgil wanted to go back over, pick up the other Thomas, and carry him far off. But... He didn't. He let Roman do his thing and waited. It wasn't like we could go anywhere anyway. The castle was destroyed including the rooms, that were connected to other houses. It was in complete shambles. Plus I really don't want to risk going back in. Even though Logan said they were gone, it still scares me. I look up to see Roman placing the other Thomas's hand onto his chest.

"Feel my heartbeat. Feel my breathing, and feel my aura. You have nothing else to worry about. Sleep now, so that tomorrow you can help us again. Sleep now so that come tomorrow your fears will be gone. Please sleep." We all watched as the other Thomas's eyes finally closed. His breathing shuddered slightly before finally evening out. The other Thomas's image started to waver. Roman quickly jumps up and backs away, careful not to wake him up again. Virgil just waves his hand over him and the flower turning it into a bed in some sort of wheeled wagon. The other Thomas was tucked in and laying comfortably, even as his image started to distort itself. We all watched at his hair lightened with hints of red. His skin tanned and his clothes turned black. It wasn't until the snakeskin appeared did we all realize who it was. Thomas was shocked the most out of all of us.


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