Deceit (Ch.16)<2>

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One minute I'm in front of Virgil and next, I'm plummeting 100 feet into god damn lake. If I hadn't used magic I would have died. Thank you so much, Virgil, for your fast travel from hell. I walk out of the lake completely soaked. If it weren't for the fact that the southern cabin was right there, I swear to god... Deceit breathe. Getting angry isn't going to help anyone. But seriously why a god damn lake? Why 100ft in the air? Why not in a field of flowers or something nice like that?

At least it wasn't a volcano!

Walking back into the Eastern base was hard. How am I supposed to explain what happened? How am I supposed to tell everyone that Virgil... See this is why I lie. I can't take all this drama.  Yes I know I'm usually the one that creates it, but I make fake drama to hide behind so that the real drama can end. I mean how else are you supposed to make Thomas forgive himself for not going to support Joan. The whole dilemma was whether to lie but the real problem was the guilt. So I get Patton distracted enough to pretend to be him. In the end, I play the bad guy so that Thomas blames me and not himself. He freaks out over me and completely forgets the pain of guilt. He makes up his mind and drama over. Now here I am about to start more... God, I hate this so much.

"BROTHER!" As soon as I walk in the door I'm pulled into a hug by Emma. As strong and mature she is for her age, she is still a little bundle of joy. I can understand why she reminded Virgil so much of Patton. I guess that was always why Patton made me feel a little less... homesick. Not that I ever let him know. "Why are you all wet? And why are you back already did you find something out."

"Yes and no." She pulled away and gave me a look of what did you do now. "I was discovered."

"How?" By now everyone had joined us in our conversation. I'm really going to hate this.

"It was Virgil... He realized it was me."

"VIRGIL HE'S STILL OK?! TELL ME HE'S OK." Roman ran up grabbing me by the shoulder. I cringed at the memory of when he last grabbed me, but I've long since forgiven him for it. He was worried about Virgil and reacted. Roman saw my cringe and he let go, smoothing off my shoulder as he did. "Sorry."

"He's... not hurt." Roman instantly relaxed, and guilt washed over me. He's not going to lie how this ends. I don't think we're going to get a happy ending.

"So do know of a way we can get in."

"NO!" Everyone just stared at me, confused and shocked at my outburst. "I mean..."

"Brother, what aren't you telling us?" Why isn't this ever easy for me?

"There is a, uh, a party t-tonight."

"That's great we can sneak.." I just shook my head. Again they just looked at me. I could see Roman get irritated.

"We were invited. Don't have to sneak in if they are already expecting us." I started laughing awkwardly. How do I tell them? It's literally killing me. I don't know what to do.

"Ok so let's go!" Roman was already head to the door.

"Wait! we can't just..." Next thing I know Roman whipped around and backed me into a corner. He didn't grab me this time but this is the second time I was pushed up against a wall, just today.

"The man I love is being held captive in a dark and twisted castle. It's going to take us two hours to get there even from the northern exit. It's already 5 pm. I am not wasting any more time." Roman spun around leaving the house with everyone following. I just stood there by myself in shock.

"But he isn't the man you love, not right now." I came back to my senses and ran out of the house following them " HEY WAIT UP!!"

Virgil had a damn carriage, and we have to walk. It was frustrating. Patton kept going on about how he was finally going to get his son back. Logan was going off about how we did all this planning and we aren't even going to be able to use any of it because Roman is impatient. Emma stayed behind and I am so lost. What am I supposed to do? What am I suppose to say? How am I supposed to convince them... Virgil isn't going to leave. Not as he is right now. 

I thought it was us against the darkness. The dragon of the western base and the snake of the eastern base, working together, brothers and friends. He told me he would never give in but he did. He let the darkness in and now... How is Roman going to take it? How are any of them going to take it? Walking up to the palace we could see all these people in there best dress entering it. 

"Ok, here we go," Roman said as he headed for the door. A thought crossed my mind and I shoved him behind a bush. "Hey, I know I probably deserve that but my clothes don't."

I closed my eyes and summoned some clothes. The type of clothes that are the exact opposite of what Roman would wear. So basically I summoned Virgil's old clothes. Roman narrowed his eyes at me when I tossed the black muscle shirt and ripped black skinny jeans at him. 

"Do you really think they are just going to let Roman Sanders into the late Dragon Witches palace? Get changed and then I'll fix your red hair."

"But I thought you said we were invited."

"Yes by Virgil, that doesn't guarantee your safety from all the people entering the fucking place." Roman just scoffed as he finally put the other shirt on. I walked over summoning black hair gel and putting it in his hair, covering the red completely.

"Are you trying to make me look like him because I don't think that will work." 

"No, I'm trying to make you look like the opposite of yourself."

"Let's just go." Roman stormed off with the others in tow. I took a deep breath and glanced up towards the sky. Just in time to see Virgil looking back from a window.


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